It's been a while since I visited the forum, would like to hear your thoughts on the project I'm working on. I would need to detect notes being played from the violin.
I've been going through google and most of the results seem to point me to do the FFT approach. I am also considering to use a similar approach found on this project
I would like to ask if Arduino Uno would be okay for this project or should I use the Arduino 101 board?
PS. Forum admin if this post is in the wrong section, feel free to move it. Apologies in advance.
I would like to ask if Arduino Uno would be okay for this project or should I use the Arduino 101 board?
I've never used the 101, but it appears to use a more powerful processor and for DSP (digital signal processing) it's nice to have all of the processing power you can get!
Do you need a stand-alone device? If not, a regular computer which already has a soundcard, a display, and more processing power, might be a better way to go.
I would need to detect notes being played from the violin.
This is tricky stuff but I don't know if a violin is harder than a guitar. A guitar tuner only has to find the 6 open-string notes. Detecting all-possible notes is more difficult, if the note is not sustained it gets more difficult, and chords are even more difficult.
I've never used the 101, but it appears to use a more powerful processor and for DSP (digital signal processing) it's nice to have all of the processing power you can get!
Do you need a stand-alone device? If not, a regular computer which already has a soundcard, a display, and more processing power, might be a better way to go.
Same here I have never used it before, I stumbled upon it while checking for the current version of Arduino. Yes I would need a stand alone device, I did consider using RPi but then again I have 0 experience in python :-X
Thinking of this setup Violin <> Mic <> Amplifier <>Arduino <>Computer (for GUI part)
This is tricky stuff but I don't know if a violin is harder than a guitar. A guitar tuner only has to find the 6 open-string notes. Detecting all-possible notes is more difficult, if the note is not sustained it gets more difficult, and chords are even more difficult.
The violin is a bit harder than the guitar. I only need to detect the notes for the first position (see attached, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th finger positions)
Also is there a good microphone that can be recommended for this project?
I did consider using RPi but then again I have 0 experience in python
Experience in python would not help you. The RPi is not a real time computer, the operating system keeps butting in and ruining any program like this.
I haven't used a 101 either but it is not a "real" Arduino, it is emulated so you might run across the same none real time problem you would get with the Pi. You are best to ask in the 101 section of this web site.