hi, i have a new and urgent topic that i'm absolutely stuck with.
I'm working on a project right now for my design class, and this is how it goes.
It's basically a remake of a radio. Instead of the normal on/off switch, the radio will be activated by the human voice. the radio box will have two ears on the sides, and the ears will haves holes in them in which you can speak into. by speaking into the ear, the radio will activate. i know there are ways for the mechanism to move in relation to the sound's amplitude but i wanted some help with the idea. Remember when they came up with turning the lights on and off by clapping? I wanted to use a similar idea for this project.
I'm not an expert with the arduino, but I really would love this to work out. Thanks, I'll be looking forward to some thoughts:) really appreciate it.
Try to read through this thread :
It's not exactly what you want, but very similar.