Which sound sensors work with the GIGA? Would like to experiment with keyword spotting and need a recommendation or two. Thanks.
Which sound sensors work with the GIGA? Would like to experiment with keyword spotting and need a recommendation or two. Thanks.
Just about any sound sensor would work with that general purpose MCU board.
Most sound sensors will work. Most put-out an analog sound signal that you can feed into one of the ADC inputs. And if they are designed for the Arduino they have biased inputs (because the Arduino's ADC can't read the negative half of the AC audio waveform).
There are also I2S sensors that put-out a digital audio data.
There are two types you should avoid - There are sensors that put-out a digital one or zero (high or low) depending on if you are above or below a threshold set by a pot on the sensor board.
There are also sound sensors with a "voltage follower" output. Those put-out a varying analog DC voltage proportional to the loudness. (They don't give you an actual audio signal.)
There are some with multiple types of output.
If you don't know anything about digital audio, the little tutorial. It's not about programming or anything "advanced" but it explains how sampling (digitizing) and analog re-construction works. The main thing is, you have to know the sample rate.'
That's "not easy" and it's usually done on a full-computer (Dragon Naturally Speaking, etc.) or Siri and Alexa run on powerful servers on the Internet.
Stand alone that is very hard. These days people normally use an AI approach.
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