I am hopelessly looking for the source code of the standards functions of Arduino.
Of course I have downloaded (or try to) everything that refers to "sources" on Arduino Main site.
However I can't find the code of (for example) micros(), tone(), etc...
I found the files I was looking for in :
Now I have another question
Is it possible, in my programs, to use variables I see in these source files?
For example I am thinking about "timer0_overflow_count". At the present time, when I try to use it, Arduino tells me that it does not exist.
Is it possible, in my programs, to use variables I see in these source files?
Short answer: don't do it.
There's one thing that is called encapsulation. When you write a library, you design a "public" interface, i.e. a set of functions that a user of the library is supposed to call to perform whatever service your library provides. To achieve this, you might need some module-scoped(*) variables that can be accessed by the library code at your will without worrying about someone else tampering with them. If someone does step in and modify those variable's value when he shouldn't, the library code might crash or produce wrong results.
Whatever you try to achieve by accessing a library-scoped variable via "extern" in your sketch is either doable by "properly" using the library or needs to be rethought.
(*) that is, variables that might be used by all functions in the library but that are not supposed to be visible outside it.
I understand that I should not try to access directly these variables.
Why would I try to do that ?
For example If I want to write my own "pseudo micros() function", in order to fulfill my specific requirements. It's just an example.
Concerning this specific time - question, I finished with using directly TCNT0, because I am on a very time-critical program and I realised that I can probably do it with 8bit variables, which saves me a lot of time on these little Arduinos :).
But I also ask the question in a more general way, and I thank you for the answers.