I am new to Arduino and embedded programming. I have done testing on embedded processors and boards just never programmed them before.
I have an Adruino Uno and a SparkFun 7-Segment Serial Display - COM-11441.
Using the example code I had it working in 10 minutes. It was counting the number of cycles and writing it to the display.
I modified the code to increment or decrement a value and send it to the display based on two digital inputs, one to increment, one to decrement.
After downloading the display read "0000" as expected then I took the jumper in hand to touch it to the GND pin, the value started incrementing without me touching the GND pin on the Arduino until the display went blank.
Now no matter what I do the display will not show anything.
I tried loading other sketches that talk to the display, like the one that changes the brightness without success.
Power/unpower makes no difference.
I tried remming out the code and executing the reset display code without success.
I am making the "assumption" the Arduino on the display needs to be reset
The firmware needs to be re-downloaded to the display
There is a reset process for the display I just can't find.
I have a hard time believing I blew it up when no magic smoke came out and it was working with the sample code just fine.
The whole point to the project is to create a 0-99 minute timer. One button will increment the first two digits of the display to 99 another will decrement the number to 00. Another button will be a start/stop button to start the timing process to count down from the set number of minutes to 00. The counting down digits are the last two digits in the display.
I selected the serial display because there is a processor on the display I might want to use for another project and figured the serial interface would be simple and easy to write data to.
So, anybody run into one of these displays that went "unresponsive"?
If you have, what did you do to wake it up again?
Any help is appreciated.