Sparkfun MP3 Player+Arduino yun+AVRisp MkII


Developemente environment:
Mac OS 10.7.5
IDE Arduino 1.5.4
Arduino Yun
MP3 Player Shield (SparkFun MP3 Player Shield - DEV-12660 - SparkFun Electronics) Linked ICSP-4- Digital pin 11, ICSP-1- Digital pin 12 and ICSP-3- Digital pin 13
Micro SD ScanDisk 2 GB
Formated Fat 16 with SDformatter 4.0

I have modified SdCard.h:
about line 60 of SdCard.h

#elif defined(AVR_ATmega32U4)
uint8_t const SPI_SS_PIN = SS;
uint8_t const SPI_MOSI_PIN = MOSI;
uint8_t const SPI_MISO_PIN = MISO;
uint8_t const SPI_SCK_PIN = SCK;

And added this line at the beginning of SdCard.h:

#include <Arduino.h>

When i run this sketch with the bootloader it always works ok.

When i use AVRisp MkII, i need to use the full program space, it loads correctly but my arduino yun becomes very unestable. Some times works ok but many others incorrectly.
Any idea?


When i run this sketch with the bootloader it always works ok.

When i use AVRisp MkII, i need to use the full program space, it loads correctly but my arduino yun becomes very unestable. Some times works ok but many others incorrectly.
Any idea?


I have a very similar problem. When I'm just below 28,672 bytes (sketch code), with or without bootloader, it works just fine. When I go above just for a few bytes (now without bootloader), yun stops working.
Did you found any solution for resolve it?

Arduino Yun (ATmega32u4) Flash Memory: 32 KB

Arduino Mega 2560 Flash Memory: 256 KB

Arduino Due Flash Memory: 512 KB

I have no idea what you wanted to tell us with this answer :slight_smile:
I already know that Yun has 32KB flash memory.

Yun= AR9331 +Arduino Leonardo

AR9331 + Arduino Mega

AR9331 + Arduino Due

Yes... and? :feeling stupid:
Look at your PM :slight_smile: