Hey guys, I can't figure out why I can't hear the music being played after I load the program onto the Arduino. I am using Sparkfun's Mp3 player shield, and the library that Bill Porter created. Here's a reference Sparkfun MP3 Shield Arduino Library « The Mind of Bill Porter. When I upload the program, I don't get any errors, but the sound simply isn't heard. I am using headphones and the headphone jack. I cleared everything off of the micro SD card except one file called "track001.mp3" just as is recommended and it's bitrate 192 kbps also (like its supposed to be). I figured if I had messed up something, the program wouldn't have compiled correctly, but it does, and it loads to the Arduino. Yet, no sound.
Any ideas here?
If the music file was wrong, you could still load the sketch on the Arduino.
Have you went through his forum? What about the Sparkfun tutorial MP3 Player Shield Hookup - SparkFun Learn about that shield?
What do you mean wrong? It has the correct name and bitrate. I dont see what else it could be? But I do see your point about it being able to load. I haven't yet, no.
Like I asked before, have you searched around (google) to find solutions for that particular shield?
Post the entire code you are using. Just because it compiles and uploads doesn't mean it should work.
One last thought, I know some music/player shields have trouble with certain SD cards. You could try different SD card or could borrow one from somebody (preferably not the same make or model as yours) .