I am completely new to Arduino, and I'm concidering buying either the Sparkfun SIK kit or the Arduino Starter Kit, but I can't choose which one! I would mainly go for the kit with the most gadgets, and I think the Starter kit has the most. Therefore I was wondering if you guys could help me with this choice, with pros and cons of each kit!
Please do not say "just pick one", that really does not help me out..
I am sorry if this post is irrelevant, if so just I'll remove it
Which has the most things you might be interested in doing? Go with that. You can always pick up the few things that are different seperately that the other kit has.
Which has the most things you might be interested in doing? Go with that. You can always pick up the few things that are different seperately that the other kit has.
Are there any kits that is better than the other, in terms of quality etc.? Which one would you choose? I would like to have the kit that I can make the most projects with, if that made sense...
No idea. I've spent 25+ years accumulating parts, anything I don't have now I just order as needed from digikey, mouser, avnet, pololu, dipmicro, taydaelectronics ...
Not much to choose between them - flip a coin and get going. Whichever you get, as Crossroads says, you're going to end up buying additional parts anyway.