sparkfun sketch not working for me

hi all as you all can see im new here and i got a question regarding a sketch from spark fun

here is a youtube clipouijabord

code is to long try next message

i connect all wiring to my arduino uno
big easy drivers
and all

When i power up the drivers only the X moves

but for some reason pin 11 and 12 are a mystery to me do i need to ground them

can some one help me out please

best regards


Arduija: Arduino Controlled Ouija Board
Joel Bartlett
Casey Kuhns
SparkFun Electronics
Oct. 22, 2014
This sketch uses the AccelStepper Library to controll two stpper motors, 
driven by two Big Easy Driver boards from SparkFun. Letters on a Ouija 
board are mapped out, given coordinates, and then massages are spelled 
out by looking up the coordinates in that table. 
Development environment specifics:
Arduino IDE .0+
Arduino Uno
This code is beerware; if you see me at the local pub, 
and you've found our code helpful, please buy us a round!
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given. 
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <AccelStepper.h>//include the Accel Stepper Library 

// Define two steppers and the pins they will use
AccelStepper stepperX(1, 4, 5);//X axis
AccelStepper stepperY(1, 6, 7);//Y axis
//(driver=true, step, dir)

int enableX = 10;//pins to controll the enable pins on each of the Big Easy Drivers
int enableY = 11;//I tried using the intenral setEnablePin() function in the AccelStepper library
//but couldn't get it to work, even when I inverted them with setPinsInverted().

int posX = 0;//Varibales to keep track of the planchet's current position 
int posY = 0;

int switch_x_left = 8;//Limit switch variables
int switct_y_top = 9;
int switch_x_right = 3;//trying to set these up as interrupts (W.I.P.)
int switch_y_bottom = 2;

int bigButton = 12;//Added big dome pushbutotn to have it display a message when pressed.
//Original plan was to have it run constantly, but the smaller stepper motor (ROB-09238)
//gets hot when ran for even a shoirt while. I'm pushing it past it's max ratings. I would 
//recommend using a 68oz.-in. motor (ROB-10846) on both axes. Make sure you disable all motors 
//when not in use to minimize heat dissipation and power consumption. 

long randomNumber;//Random number for displaying random message when butotn is pressed.

//table to store coordinates for all the letters, #s, etc on the board. 
//Due to the nature of the magnets and drag, getting exact coordinates took 
//lots of trial an error, and is still not perfect when you have the planchet 
//move in from different sides of the letter. 
unsigned int coordinatesTable[39][3] = {
void setup()
  Serial.begin(115200);//Serial print for debug
  pinMode(bigButton, INPUT_PULLUP);//Pullup button so external resistor is not needed
  randomSeed(analogRead(0));//Read analog(0) for random number generation 
  pinMode(enableX, OUTPUT);//
  pinMode(enableY, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(enableX, HIGH);//Diable the motors 
  digitalWrite(enableY, HIGH);
  //Had to play with these vallues to find a speed and acceleration that looked good 
  //but also still ran smoothly. Tweeking these values and physically changing the 
  //potentiometers on the Big Easy Driver will affect the speed of each axis. 
  //BEWARE, changing these settings will change coordinates and mess up any characters 
  //you have mapped out already. 
  //This is the internal AccelStepper enable calls referred to 
  //earlier. Must be called within setup() (W.I.P.)
  //stepperX.setPinsInverted(0,0,1);//invert the enable pin
  pinMode(switch_x_left, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(switct_y_top, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(switch_x_right, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(switch_y_bottom, INPUT_PULLUP);
  //Switch interrupts to ensure the planchet never goes out of bounds (W.I.P.)
  //attachInterrupt(0, homeing2, FALLING); //switct_y_bottom
  //attachInterrupt(1, homeing2, FALLING);//switch_x_right
  homeing();//set the cursor back to its home position at 0,0 first and on every reset

void loop()
  if(digitalRead(bigButton) == LOW)//Wait until the big dome pusbutton is pressed to start spelling a message
    ouijaMessage();//Select a random message from the list and print it

  //Uncomment this line and comment out everything else in loop() to jog the planchet with keyboard inputs 
void enableMotors()
  //Enable the motors 
  digitalWrite(enableX, LOW);
  digitalWrite(enableY, LOW);
void disableMotors()
  //Disable the motors 
  digitalWrite(enableX, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(enableY, HIGH);
void homeing()
  //Decided to move Y axis first since one of the magnets was hitting if it was all the way away from home. 
  if(digitalRead(switct_y_top) == HIGH)
    while(digitalRead(switct_y_top) == HIGH)
      posY = posY - 1;
    if(digitalRead(switct_y_top) == LOW)
      posY = 0;
  posY = 0;
  if(digitalRead(switch_x_left) == HIGH)//check to make sure this axis isn;t already in the home posotion 
    while(digitalRead(switch_x_left) == HIGH)//if it is not at home (HIGH) ...
      stepperX.moveTo(posX);//start moving the X axis back to the home position;
      posX = posX - 1;//decrement the position until we reach 0 (where the switch is triggered) 
    if(digitalRead(switch_x_left) == LOW)//Once the switch is hit and the signal goes LOW...
      stepperX.stop();//stop the motor
      posX = 0;//set this axis position to 0
  posX = 0;

part 2 of the code

void ouijaDelay(void){
  //Delay to make it spoooooooky
  //Standard Delay until we can make it more spooky
//Look through the table until a character matching the current one is found
int findSymbolInTable(char symbol){
  int tableIndex;
  for(tableIndex = 0; tableIndex <= 39; tableIndex++){
    if(symbol == char(coordinatesTable[tableIndex][2])){
      //Serial.print("Char FOUND = ");
      return tableIndex; //Return the table location
     return -1; //if we got to the point
                // we didn't find our value in the table 

//Used to move the planchet to the next location on the baord. 
void moveToSymbol(char character)
  int tableIndex = findSymbolInTable(character);

  //Serial.print("x = ");

  //Serial.print("y = ");
  while((stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0)||(stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0)){
    //if(digitalRead(switch_x_right) == LOW || digitalRead(switch_y_bottom) == LOW)


void ouijaPrint(char* charArray){
  int i;
  for(i = 0; i <= MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH; i++){
    //Serial.print(charArray[i]); //Debug the array as we move
    if(charArray[i] != 0){
      //if(digitalRead(switch_x_right) == LOW || digitalRead(switch_y_bottom) == LOW)
    } //Only move if there if valid data, if not let the loop run out.
    else break;
//Stores different messages to be speled out by the Ouija 
void ouijaMessage()
    randomNumber = random(5);//Generate a random number between 1-5
    switch (randomNumber) //switch messages based on that random number
      case 0:
        {char arrayThing[30] = {'h','e','l','.','l','o',0};
        homeing();}//Go back to home after each massage is printed
      case 1:
        char arrayThing2[30] = {'s','p','a','r','k','f','u','n',0};
      case 2:
        char arrayThing3[30] = {'h','a','p','.','p','y','.','h','a','l','.','l','o','w','e','.','e','n',0};;
      case 3:
        char arrayThing4[30] = {'g','r','a','n','d','m','a','.','s','a','y','s','.','h','i',0};;
      case 4:
        char arrayThing5[30] = {'l','e','t','.','y','o','u','r','.','g','e','e','k','.','s','h','i','n','e',0};;
//This function was used to jog each axis 100 "steps" in each direction 
//call in loop and comment out everything else to allow keyboard control
void moveWithKeyboard()
  if(Serial.available() > 0)
    int temp =;
    if(temp == 119 || temp == 87)//dec for 'w'
      stepperY.moveTo(stepperY.currentPosition() - 100);
      while(stepperY.distanceToGo() != 0)
      Serial.print("   ");
    if(temp == 115 || temp == 83)//dec for 's'
      stepperY.moveTo(stepperY.currentPosition() + 100);
      while(stepperY.distanceToGo() != 0)
      Serial.print("   ");
    if(temp == 97 || temp == 65)//dec for 'a'
      stepperX.moveTo(stepperX.currentPosition() - 100);
      while(stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0)
      Serial.print("   ");
    if(temp == 100 || temp == 68)//dec for 'd'
      stepperX.moveTo(stepperX.currentPosition() + 100.00);
      while(stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0)
      Serial.print("   ");
    //move in larger increments with the right side of the keyboard
    if(temp == 105 || temp == 73)//dec for 'i'
      stepperY.moveTo(stepperY.currentPosition() - 1000);
      while(stepperY.distanceToGo() != 0)
      Serial.print(stepperX.currentPosition()); Serial.print("   "); Serial.println(stepperY.currentPosition());
    if(temp == 107 || temp == 75)//dec for 'k'
      stepperY.moveTo(stepperY.currentPosition() + 1000);
      while(stepperY.distanceToGo() != 0)
      Serial.print(stepperX.currentPosition()); Serial.print("   "); Serial.println(stepperY.currentPosition());
    if(temp == 106 || temp == 74)//dec for 'j'
      stepperX.moveTo(stepperX.currentPosition() - 2000);
      while(stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0)
      Serial.print(stepperX.currentPosition()); Serial.print("   "); Serial.println(stepperY.currentPosition());
    if(temp == 108 || temp == 76)//dec for 'l'
      stepperX.moveTo(stepperX.currentPosition() + 2000);
      while(stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0)
      Serial.print(stepperX.currentPosition()); Serial.print("   "); Serial.println(stepperY.currentPosition());
void drawCircleCW()//(W.I.P.)
  while((stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0)||(stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0))
  while((stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0)||(stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0))
  while((stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0)||(stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0))
  while((stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0)||(stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0))
  while((stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0)||(stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0))

i connect all wiring to my arduino uno

How? Don't you think that matters?

    randomNumber = random(5);//Generate a random number between 1-5

You misspelled 0 and 4.

You need to ditch 90% of that code until you get the hardware working.

Thanks paul for the reply

As u can see , i am a bit of a noob lol thinking plug and play and of we go :wink:

You need to ditch 90% of that code until you get the hardware working.

I tried but then a get a all red lines of errors
Because i dont know how to do that

Its just that I don't know we're to start

I just copy and paste it on my project

I can maka a schematic of the arduino wiring

I can maka a schematic of the arduino wiring

That would be a good first step.

You need to understand which bits of your code make a stepper move. Write a sketch that just makes the x stepper step 100 times one way. Then, step 100 times the other way.

Run the sketch, to confirm that it works.

Then, change the sketch to make only the y stepper move 100 steps one way, then 100 steps the other.

When that works, combine them. Move 100 steps in x, then 100 steps in y, then -100 steps in x then -100 steps in y.

When you KNOW that the hardware is working, go back to this sketch.

If I use a other code that makes a circle that works

So the X and Y stepper motors are correct connected

On the Big Easy Drivers

4 step, 5 dir X axis
6 step, 7 dir Y axis
Ground to ground ps not the power supply of the driver

Ground to ground ps not the power supply of the driver

All grounds need to be connected.

So, you know that the hardware works. Therefore, there must be a problem with your software. I can not tell what it is supposed to do, or what it actually does.

You need to add more details about what actually happens, and more Serial.print() statements to determine why the code does what it does.

did not got a program for drawings but i think its art :slight_smile:

here is the setup on how it all is connected

i hope u can read it

the arduino got a separate adapter 12 v

best regards

I upload the code there are no errors at start up

And i got the libraries for this project

The only thing is understanding it all and that takes time i know

But who can help me ditch some code and clean up a bit.

And what is wrong with some parts of the code.
How to get things sorted out

So i can try to understand it a bit more

I already build my self a nice table to put it in

I already build my self a nice table to put it in

Classic :slight_smile:

someone please help me out on this

someone please help me out on this

You need someone to read reply #7 to you?

What does the code ACTUALLY do?

ok ill start over here is some background regarding this project

I got an assignment to build a moving ouija board

I went to see what was possible, I came across a plotter
from makeblock
After that everything was mounted well and the software worked
I soon got a problem with the software of makeblock
I want to design an A3 paper size (ouijabord that goes to 4 points)
and stops,
and then restarts if a push button was pressed.

All of this seemed so easy but unfortunately this is not the case with me

The software crashed 2 win pc ,and to use a mac pro you have to adjust so much
In the system I really think that's is nonsense ,and i would not even know how to do that

If a plotter is being created, you should be able to use the software that works with it.

So I thought. On youtube I saw a movie from Sparkfun how do you build a

[ ouijabord [/ url]

I then took the necessary parts

2 big easy drivers achieved and a separate 12v DC power supply
An arduino uno and mega

See my connection schedule here.

Library filled up with the necessary software u need
( see on top of the code )

And proceed to the sketch that was in the project
Cut and paste I thought

Save and upload
There is no error at the bottom (good sign)

I set the monitor's baud rate to 115200
nothing to see.

Then I put the power on the separate DC power that is on my drivers

What happens then,
Only the x moves and y does nothing
The micro switches don't work either

Now this is al a mystery to me, but also pin 11 and 12 wat do i do with it
Do I have to set that up to give him the command
On the arduino (ground next to digital)

Tried but nothing happens.

Now I'm told I need to delete a section
When I get started then there are all errors

Because I'm not home in this story

I test whether the x and y stepper motor work with:

the code to test my setup and did work was

/* Arduino Multiple Stepper Control Using The Serial Monitor
Created by Yvan /

This code is in the public domain...

You can: copy it, use it, modify it, share it or just plain ignore it!


#include "AccelStepper.h" 
// Library created by Mike McCauley at

// AccelStepper Setup
AccelStepper stepperX(1, 4, 5);   // 1 = Easy Driver interface
                                  // UNO Pin 2 connected to STEP pin of Easy Driver
                                  // UNO Pin 3 connected to DIR pin of Easy Driver
AccelStepper stepperZ(1, 6, 7);   // 1 = Easy Driver interface
                                  // UNO Pin 5 connected to STEP pin of Easy Driver
                                  // UNO Pin 6 connected to DIR pin of Easy Driver

// Stepper Travel Variables
long TravelX;  // Used to store the X value entered in the Serial Monitor
long TravelZ;  // Used to store the Z value entered in the Serial Monitor

int move_finished=1;  // Used to check if move is completed

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);  // Start the Serial monitor with speed of 9600 Bauds
// Print out Instructions on the Serial Monitor at Start
  Serial.println("Enter Travel distance seperated by a comma: X,Z ");
  Serial.print("Enter Move Values Now: ");

//  Set Max Speed and Acceleration of each Steppers
  stepperX.setMaxSpeed(500.0);      // Set Max Speed of X axis
  stepperX.setAcceleration(500.0);  // Acceleration of X axis

  stepperZ.setMaxSpeed(250.0);      // Set Max Speed of Y axis slower for rotation
  stepperZ.setAcceleration(250.0);  // Acceleration of Y axis


void loop() {

while (Serial.available()>0)  { // Check if values are available in the Serial Buffer

  move_finished=0;  // Set variable for checking move of the Steppers
  TravelX= Serial.parseInt();  // Put First numeric value from buffer in TravelX variable
  Serial.print(" X Travel , ");
  TravelZ= Serial.parseInt();  // Put Second numeric value from buffer in TravelZ variable
  Serial.println(" Y Travel ");
  stepperX.moveTo(TravelX);  // Set new move position for X Stepper
  stepperZ.moveTo(TravelZ);  // Set new move position for Z Stepper
  delay(1000);  // Wait 1 seconds before moving the Steppers
  Serial.print("Moving Steppers into position...");

// Check if the Steppers have reached desired position
  if ((stepperX.distanceToGo() != 0) || (stepperZ.distanceToGo() !=0)) {;  // Move Stepper X into position;  // Move Stepper Z into position

// If move is completed display message on Serial Monitor
  if ((move_finished == 0) && (stepperX.distanceToGo() == 0) && (stepperZ.distanceToGo() == 0)) {
    Serial.println("Enter Next Move Values (0,0 for reset): ");  // Get ready for new Serial monitor values
    move_finished=1;  // Reset move variable

](https: //

found out from someone in the dutch section that the enable from the driver X to arduino pin 10 and Y to pin 11

ps using a Arduino uno for the project

arduino pin 12 to ground

but it won't do me no good

All grounds need to be connected.

So, you know that the hardware works. Therefore, there must be a problem with your software. I can not tell what it is supposed to do, or what it actually does.

You need to add more details about what actually happens, and more Serial.print() statements to determine why the code does what it does.

details ok when i plug in the power of the drivers only one starts to move and y stands still doing nothing
there is noting to be seen @ baud 115200.
In the code: Serial.begin(115200);//set serial to the 115200 band

in the display nothing shows up

You need someone to read reply #7 to you?

What does the code ACTUALLY do?

the code will move 2 stepper motors like a cnc machine with micro switches
over a bord and will stop at points to say something on the ouijabord

the code will move 2 stepper motors like a cnc machine with micro switches
over a bord and will stop at points to say something on the ouijabord

"The code will move" is NOT an explanation of what the code ACTUALLY does.

In the code: Serial.begin(115200);//set serial to the 115200 band

in the display nothing shows up

Create a new sketch that contains nothing but that Serial.begin() statement in setup() and that println() statement in loop().

What do you expect to see in the Serial Monitor? What do you actually see?