October 6, 2022, 5:07pm
I'm working on a audio installation using Arduino and Raspberry pi.
the audio output will be the 3.5mm jack built-in line level audio output at the Pi 2 / 4 (audio from Pure Data - line level )
The speakers will be hang from a ceiling 10-12Meter high and the people that will be listen will be at the floor (10-12Meter below)
any recommendation for and amp and dual speakers for that installation?
The sound shouldn't be very loud but also not too silent..
Where do the Arduinos fit in?
1 Like
October 7, 2022, 12:18pm
Arduino will process the data from the sensors
October 7, 2022, 12:26pm
I suggest that you would get better advice on an audio forum.
data from the sensors
You make no mention of sensors in the original post. What kind of sensors are you using? For what purpose?
I have a pile of LePai 2020 amplifiers. I would start with one of those, on the theory that you can always find a use for one, if it does not work for this.
October 7, 2022, 1:48pm
what about those ?
Is there anything that is active? meaning I can connect the line output from the pi straight to the speakers without the need of an amp?
Don't forget the safety rope on everything, secured to something solid up there.
you would hang $640 wall mount speakers outdoors?
you would drive a Klipsch with an Arduino?
speakers designed to hang are pendant speakers. speakers that are not designed to hang are a liability, when they are hung.
October 7, 2022, 4:08pm
No. with the Raspberry Pi audio output 3.5mm jack
I give up on you. this is ridiculous.
A Klipsch is a high quality music reproducer. A Raspberry Pi is a low quality sound source. it's like putting aviation gas in a lawnmower.
Avgas in a lawnmower
October 8, 2022, 6:24am
How do you recommending outputting the sound from the Pi? is there a dedicated sound card you are recommending?
October 8, 2022, 7:05am
What do you guys think about that sound card for Pi ?
Can I just connect it to the Pi 40 pin headers and it will replaced the build in audio output without anything further needing to do?
You should consider asking this in a raspberry pi and/or an audio forum.
April 6, 2023, 8:08am
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