I'm making a robot that scans a specific area. How can I put an algorithm to follow a specific path?
thanks in advance
How does the robot scan?
What does the robot scan?
What specific path should the robot follow?
the robot using Ultrasonic sensor and it searching for a light source. for example I want the robot to search in 2*2 m room using an algorithm not randomly
the robot using Ultrasonic sensor and it searching for a light source.
Do you understand the concept of optics?
Do you understand the concept of sonics?
Do you see a problem here?
everything is clear but like I said my problem is making my search organized
How do you expect an ultrasonic sensor to follow light?
I'am not expecting I already having light sensors I just use the ultra to avoid the Obstacles
everything is clear but like I said my problem is making my search organized
Organized search implies multiple units searching.
Seems to me you just need a search method. Think of mowing a lawn. Usually people go back and forth, but going in squares has a lot of advantages.
A ridiculously simple Braitenberg vehicle can seek out light sources.
Can't the robot just scan with the optical detector, find the light and drive straight to it?
If not I suspect there is a lot about your project that you have not told us.
This is Reply #9 and we still know almost nothing. How about providing a full description of the project you are trying to make?
Help us to help you!
Welcome to the forum.
Please read the first post in any forum entitled how to use this forum.
http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php/topic,148850.0.html .
Have you any code at the moment?
Have you written code just to control your robots motors and is it working?
Have you written code just to use the ultrasonics and is it working?
Have you written code just to use the light sensor and is it working?
Have you written code just to use the light sensor to find direction of the light?
These should all be separate bits of code to prove your hardware before going into algorithms.