I am looking for someone that has a bit of C++ expertise to help with some code. I have copied and modified some code from "HeinzCatchup's" great project on spectrum analyser. My modifications were to add in a left and right (rather than just left) channel. I am using a great breakout board that does all the separating of frequencies for me. And I have connected 7 bands of 15 LEDS together - both left and right.
I have a few problems
- Main problem - the code is bulky, bloated and slow (and I am not a good programmer)
- There is noise - LEDs light up when there is nothing playing - I have tried setting the lower dB limit to high
code is on arduino create
Any help with direction would be appreciated - and I can post it in the projects page later.
It does work as is........but I know it can be improved immensely