hi everyone i need to make speed signal converter i will write down my idea
i will using arduino nano
i would have pin 5 as input which will be counting speed from hall sensor which output is 0 and 5 v.
and pin 6 would be output .
i need to change output speed lower than input example when input counts 10 000 pulses then output will give 1 pulse.
i am newbie here so programming is not good side can please someone help me out with that thanks
Do you know how to read the sensor output ?
Do you know how to add 1 to a variable each time the sensor detects a magnet ?
no sorry i am nut sure how to make code for that
If you can use pin 2 or 3 for the speed sensor input you can use a simple pin-change interrupt to divide your speed input. This compiles but is not tested:
//on the Nano, only pins 2 or 3 allow pin change interrupts
const byte pinInput = 2;
const byte pinOutput = 6;
const unsigned long PRESCALE = 10000ul;
void setup()
  pinMode( pinInput, INPUT );  //use INPUT_PULLUP if Hall output is open-collector
  pinMode( pinOutput, OUTPUT );
  digitalWrite( pinOutput, LOW );
  attachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(pinInput), ISR_HallInterrupt, RISING );
void loop()
  //this is interrupt-driven so no prescale-specific code is needed in loop
void ISR_HallInterrupt( void )
  //static variables keep track of the prescaler count and output pin state
  //and "remembers" them when ISR function exits
  static bool
    bpinState = false;
  static unsigned long
    prescaleCount = 0;
  //on each rising edge, tick the prescale counter
  if( ++prescaleCount == PRESCALE )
    //when the prescale value is reached, zero the counter...
    prescaleCount = 0;
    //and toggle the output pin
    //the '^' operator is XOR; look it up if necessary
    bpinState ^= true;
    digitalWrite( pinOutput, bpinState );
thanks you i will test it out in few days and i will let u know results