SPI Clock Rise time / Fall time


Can anyone share what's the slew rate or rise time / fall time of the clock edge for Arduino (UNO3) SPI interface?
Also, is there is a way to configure/program it? TIA

The rise/fall information should be in the mega328 data sheet. Look around page 262-263.

I doubt that the rise and/or fall times are configurable, but if so, the data sheet will tell.

No, the clock output is just a standard port pin. You can look up the figures in the processor data sheet.

Such times depend much on the connected circuits and are usually given for inputs only, as requirements for proper operation.

Nitpicking: I2C specifies slew rate limitation which is implemented in the ATmega controllers.

It is a normal port pin it is not programmable for slew rate however the Vcc voltage will definitely change it as will the loading.

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