SPIEEPROM is not working with spi.h library

Hello people,
I am using a AT25 family eeprom with Arduino nano, it works fine if i follow the tutorial but in this code i i replace register API's with SPI.h library then the eeprom doesn't respond.
Here is the example of small modification i have done to this code.

byte read_eeprom(int EEPROM_address)
  int data;
  spi_transfer(READ); //transmit read opcode
  spi_transfer((char)(EEPROM_address>>8));   //send MSByte address first
  spi_transfer((char)(EEPROM_address));      //send LSByte address
  data = spi_transfer(0xFF); //get data byte
  digitalWrite(SLAVESELECT,HIGH); //release chip, signal end transfer
  return data;

I have changed above part of the code to

byte read_eeprom(int EEPROM_address)
  int data;
  SPI.transfer(READ); //transmit read opcode
  SPI.transfer((char)(EEPROM_address>>8));   //send MSByte address first
  SPI.transfer((char)(EEPROM_address));      //send LSByte address
  data = SPI.transfer(0xFF); //get data byte
  digitalWrite(SLAVESELECT,HIGH); //release chip, signal end transfer
  return data;

Done this everywhere in the code.
I have also tried the following spi settings

  1. Tried different clock dividers, div8,div16,div32,div64
  2. Tried using different MAX Speed in
    SPISETTINGS settings (speed, msb/lsb first, mode)
  3. I have also tried changing the mode to mode3 from mode 0.

Please help me solve this issue.

Post complete code! The problem is usually in the code you're hiding from us.