Spiking Analog Input Values

So currently I'm trying interface three Potentiometers with processing. I'm using a library from Arduino Playground - Processing in processing to talk to firmata firmware. I get readings from all of the Potentiometers in processing, and processing is able to interpret them just fine.

My code:

/* Library found at http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Interfacing/Processing


  Arduino.list(): returns a list of the available serial devices. If your Arduino board is connected to the computer when you call this function, its device will be in the list.

  Arduino(parent, name, rate): create an Arduino object. Parent should be "this" (without the quotes); name is the name of the serial device (i.e. one of the names returned by Arduino.list()); 
  rate is the speed of the connection (115200 for the v2 version of the firmware, 57600 for v1). Note that in the v2 library, the rate parameter is optional.

  pinMode(pin, mode): set a digital pin to input or output mode (Arduino.INPUT or Arduino.OUTPUT).

  digitalRead(pin): returns the value of a digital pin, either Arduino.LOW or Arduino.HIGH (the pin must be set as an input).

  digitalWrite(pin, value): writes Arduino.LOW or Arduino.HIGH to a digital pin.

  analogRead(pin): returns the value of an analog input (from 0 to 1023).

  analogWrite(pin, value): writes an analog value (PWM wave) to a digital pin that supports it (pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11); value should be from 0 (always off) to 255 (always on).

***These functions are in the Processing Arduino Library and communicate (from Processing) with a Arduino, upon which the Firmata sketch has been installed!!!***

    --------Combining this and a cool looking thingy ----
 * Space Junk  
 * By Ira Greenberg 
 * zoom suggestion 
 * By Danny Greenberg
 * Rotating cubes in space using
 * a custom Cube class. Color controlled 
 * by light sources.

/*need to import opengl library to use OPENGL 
 rendering mode for hardware acceleration
 includes the arduino library to interface w/ arduino*/

import processing.serial.*;

import cc.arduino.*;

import processing.opengl.*;

Arduino arduino;

//Sets the input pins
int anaPinA = 2;
int anaPinB = 1;
int anaPinC = 0;

//used to get rid of annoying incorrect readings from pins
int lastPinA = 0;
int lastPinB = 0;
int lastPinC = 0;

//cube count-lower/raise to test P3D/OPENGL performance
int limit = 500;

//array for all cubes
Cube[]cubes = new Cube[limit];

void setup(){
  //Set up the arduino to get input on the right pin
  arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[0], 115200);
  arduino.pinMode(anaPinA, Arduino.INPUT);
  arduino.pinMode(anaPinB, Arduino.INPUT);
  arduino.pinMode(anaPinC, Arduino.INPUT);
  //try substituting P3D for OPENGL 
  //argument to test performance
  //size(640, 480, OPENGL); 
  size(1280, 960, OPENGL); 

  //instantiate cubes, passing in random vals for size and postion
  for (int i = 0; i< cubes.length; i++){
    cubes[i] = new Cube(int(random(-10, 10)), int(random(-10, 10)), 
    int(random(-10, 10)), int(random(-140, 140)), int(random(-140, 140)), 
    int(random(-140, 140)));

void draw(){
  background(0, 102, 200); 

  //set up some different colored lights
  pointLight(51, 102, 255, 65, 60, 100); 
  pointLight(200, 40, 60, -65, -60, -150);

  //raise overall light in scene 
  ambientLight(70, 70, 10); 

  //Check if the pin A has spiked, if so don't let it.
  if (anaPinA >= 941){
    anaPinA = lastPinA;
  /*center geometry in display windwow.
   you can change 3rd argument ('0')
   to move block group closer(+)/further(-)*/
  translate(width/2, height/2, -200+arduino.analogRead(anaPinA));
  //Check if the pin B or C have spiked, if so don't let em
  if (anaPinB >= 512){
    anaPinB = lastPinB;
  if (anaPinC >= 512){
    anaPinC = lastPinC;

  //rotate around y and x axes

  //draw cubes
  for (int i = 0; i< cubes.length; i++){
  //sets a good value for the last analog reading
  lastPinA = anaPinA;
  lastPinB = anaPinB;
  lastPinC = anaPinC;

//simple Cube class, based on Quads
class Cube {

  int w, h, d;
  int shiftX, shiftY, shiftZ;

  Cube(int w, int h, int d, int shiftX, int shiftY, int shiftZ){
    this.w = w;
    this.h = h;
    this.d = d;
    this.shiftX = shiftX;
    this.shiftY = shiftY;
    this.shiftZ = shiftZ;

  /*main cube drawing method, which looks 
   more confusing than it really is. It's 
   just a bunch of rectangles drawn for 
   each cube face*/
  void drawCube(){
    //front face
    vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ); 
    vertex(w + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ); 
    vertex(w + shiftX, h + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ); 
    vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, h + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ); 

    //back face
    vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, d + shiftZ); 
    vertex(w + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, d + shiftZ); 
    vertex(w + shiftX, h + shiftY, d + shiftZ); 
    vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, h + shiftY, d + shiftZ);

    //left face
    vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ); 
    vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, d + shiftZ); 
    vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, h + shiftY, d + shiftZ); 
    vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, h + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ); 

    //right face
    vertex(w + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ); 
    vertex(w + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, d + shiftZ); 
    vertex(w + shiftX, h + shiftY, d + shiftZ); 
    vertex(w + shiftX, h + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ); 

    //top face
    vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ); 
    vertex(w + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ); 
    vertex(w + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, d + shiftZ); 
    vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, -h/2 + shiftY, d + shiftZ); 

    //bottom face
    vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, h + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ); 
    vertex(w + shiftX, h + shiftY, -d/2 + shiftZ); 
    vertex(w + shiftX, h + shiftY, d + shiftZ); 
    vertex(-w/2 + shiftX, h + shiftY, d + shiftZ); 


    //add some rotation to each box for pizazz.

Now I think my code is fine, but I put it up just in case. The problem is I get random changes in the values from the Potentiometers to the point the generated objects shake and flicker. Now I'm using this schematic per Potentiometer:


With the variable resistor replaced with a pot set up like a variable resistor (http://sound.westhost.com/pots-f6.gif).

Halp. Why does it fluctuate?

Pots, being mechanical devices are inherently noisy. You could write some code to average several readings or adjust the hardware to clamp the spikes electrically.

Hmm, I don't think pots are noisy, especially with the resolution the arduino analog inputs provide.

The problem that is with Firmata, it sometimes gets out of sync and sends erroneous information. I wrote a new firmware for serial communication (Breakfast) which eliminates this.

I just finished the processing library for it, I'll be posting it soon.

Use an averaging routine to smooth out the data.

Mkay I'll try an averaging routine.

@ Justin: I'd love to have the firmware/library when it's done.