Spray Gun Control - LCD or 7-Seg Displays, Select Key, Increase & Decrease Key

Hi, I am a beginner in Arduino & want to do a project for Spray Gun Control.

  1. I want to control -
    (A) Number of Sprays Per Minute = Input Range is 01 to 70 Sprays Per Minute.
    (B) ON time of the Spray gun = Input Range is 0.5 Seconds to 20 Seconds.

  2. I want to use LCD 16 x 2 or Two sets of 2-Digit 7-Segment LED will also be OK for displaying the
    number of Sprays / min & the Spray ON time in Seconds.

  3. For input need to use - Two Separate Keys for (A) & (B) inputs for selecting the input setting,
    Increase Key & Decrease Key for changing value the selected (A) or (B) input,
    Enter or Finalize Key for the selected value of (A) or (B) input.

  4. Take the Set input values of (A) & (B) & without using delay function give two Digital Outputs -

  5. Pulse of 0.5 Seconds for indication at the start of Each Spray (A) and simultaneously along

  6. On Pulse of the Set ON time of Spray (B) as 0.5 to 20 Seconds. Both the Pulses should be starting
    together & end differently.

I would be thankful for the code support.