Hey guys, i'm just wondering how I can go about creating a 60x60 array. The values contained will all be <100.
What i'd be doing is essentially reading an input 3600 times but after every 60 reads, shifting to a new row (if that makes sense) so an example of a quick 5x5 array would be:
As for memory, the chip on the UNO has 2k, so the answer is no. With the Mega you can have 8k, which could be enough also for the rest of your program. See Arduino Playground - Memory.
In a two-dimensional array you can put the n-th element of your sequential input into position n/60, n%60 (or n%60, n/60, depending on how you interpret rows and columns). But since your input is sequential you may as well 'flatten' the array to one dimension. Then if you want to know the value in row r and column c you access the element at position r * 60 + c (both r and c starting from 0).
If your values fit (or could be made to fit) into four bits, then you could probably do it (1800 bytes).
On the other hand, I can't think of many things wider than a few bits that could read at those kind of rates on an Arduino anyway.
Hey guys, cheers for all the help! I decided in the end to just send each piece of data to my computer over serial then use megunolink to place that data into a text file. Thanks anyway!