just a thought about orientation of SR04 on a moving robot. if you install the standard way that is horizontal orientation the 'out' and 'in' waves have a gap between the sensors and may not detect say a chair leg. however if you orient it vertically it will detect a fairly thick object in front and avoid it. does anyone have any feedback please on this - greatly appreciate it.
I have a bot with 5 SR04's mounted in the horizontal manner. I place a pencil within the gap and slowly move it outward. At about half an inch out the sensors "see" the pencil. The sound cone seems to diverge rather quickly so I would not worry too much about that gap.
Interesting question; I will try to do some tests.
Generally the difference should be small and only very close to the sensor. The transducers are not highly directional. The outgoing ultrasound waves go pretty wide.
Some overall info about this sensor is HERE. and a lot of information about Ultrasound is HERE.
The test in the previous post seems to confirm this...