SSR Rack


I hope you guys can help me with quite a stupid question.
I'd like to couple arduino mega with some sort of SSR 16 or 24-channel rack, to control all of the lights and other appliances in my house up to max. 5Amp each (240V/50Hz).
The problem is that I can't find any suitable (cheap?) manufacturers that make I/O boards that could do the job. The reason that I don't build it myself is, that I'm not quite skilled with creating own PCB's..

What do you suggest or what are you using for your applications.


I am using an array of these ssr's from ebay. Work great and wire directly to the arduino.

Here are some more : Scientific Solutions Inc. - Solid State Relay Racks

Sealevel also makes a small TA01 unit that serves as a testbed for relay racks, simulating I and O with led and small switches.

These racks are industry standard, you can use a number of relay brands that comply to the same standard, and even use diffrent types of SSR (any of the 4 combos between : I or O; DC or AC) on the same board. I think all of them are negative logic, ie to switch on the output relay you need to ground the signal line.

I am working on a driver for these based on an arduino an some cheap daisy-chained shift-registers.