ST7735 with NodeMcu ESP8266 Playing GIF

Hardware - ST7735 1.8" 160x 128
- NodeMcu (ESP8266)

I am working on a project to run GIF using the following hardware configuration without use of SD card. But even after the code getting uploaded and all the connection made correct the screen only seems to flash in white color.
I am making use of the #Adafruit_GFX library and #Animated_GIF library.
Following is the code -

#include <AnimatedGIF.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>    // Core graphics library
#include <Adafruit_ST7735.h> // Hardware-specific library
#include "badgers.h"

// For the breakout, you can use any 2 or 3 pins
// These pins will also work for the 1.8" TFT shield
//#define TFT_CS     15
//#define TFT_RST    0  // you can also connect this to the Arduino reset
                      // in which case, set this #define pin to 0!
//#define TFT_DC     2

// ST7735 TFT module connections
#define TFT_RST   D4     // TFT RST pin is connected to NodeMCU pin D4 (GPIO2)
#define TFT_CS    D3     // TFT CS  pin is connected to NodeMCU pin D4 (GPIO0)
#define TFT_DC    D2     // TFT DC  pin is connected to NodeMCU pin D4 (GPIO4)
// initialize ST7735 TFT library with hardware SPI module
// SCK (CLK) ---> NodeMCU pin D5 (GPIO14)
// MOSI(DIN) ---> NodeMCU pin D7 (GPIO13)

#define DISPLAY_WIDTH 160
#define DISPLAY_HEIGHT 128

Adafruit_ST7735 tft = Adafruit_ST7735(TFT_CS,  TFT_DC, TFT_RST);
AnimatedGIF gif;

void GIFDraw(GIFDRAW *pDraw)
    uint8_t *s;
    uint16_t *d, *usPalette, usTemp[320];
    int x, y, iWidth;

    iWidth = pDraw->iWidth;
    if (iWidth + pDraw->iX > DISPLAY_WIDTH)
       iWidth = DISPLAY_WIDTH - pDraw->iX;
    usPalette = pDraw->pPalette;
    y = pDraw->iY + pDraw->y; // current line
    if (y >= DISPLAY_HEIGHT || pDraw->iX >= DISPLAY_WIDTH || iWidth < 1)
    s = pDraw->pPixels;
    if (pDraw->ucDisposalMethod == 2) // restore to background color
      for (x=0; x<iWidth; x++)
        if (s[x] == pDraw->ucTransparent)
           s[x] = pDraw->ucBackground;
      pDraw->ucHasTransparency = 0;

    // Apply the new pixels to the main image
    if (pDraw->ucHasTransparency) // if transparency used
      uint8_t *pEnd, c, ucTransparent = pDraw->ucTransparent;
      int x, iCount;
      pEnd = s + iWidth;
      x = 0;
      iCount = 0; // count non-transparent pixels
      while(x < iWidth)
        c = ucTransparent-1;
        d = usTemp;
        while (c != ucTransparent && s < pEnd)
          c = *s++;
          if (c == ucTransparent) // done, stop
            s--; // back up to treat it like transparent
          else // opaque
             *d++ = usPalette[c];
        } // while looking for opaque pixels
        if (iCount) // any opaque pixels?
          tft.setAddrWindow(pDraw->iX+x, y, iCount, 1);
          tft.writePixels(usTemp, iCount, false, false);
          x += iCount;
          iCount = 0;
        // no, look for a run of transparent pixels
        c = ucTransparent;
        while (c == ucTransparent && s < pEnd)
          c = *s++;
          if (c == ucTransparent)
        if (iCount)
          x += iCount; // skip these
          iCount = 0;
      s = pDraw->pPixels;
      // Translate the 8-bit pixels through the RGB565 palette (already byte reversed)
      for (x=0; x<iWidth; x++)
        usTemp[x] = usPalette[*s++];
      tft.setAddrWindow(pDraw->iX, y, iWidth, 1);
      tft.writePixels(usTemp, iWidth, false, false);
} /* GIFDraw() */
//int h = 160 ,w = 128, row, col, buffidx=0;
void setup() {


void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  if ( *) ucBadgers, sizeof(ucBadgers), GIFDraw))
    Serial.printf("Successfully opened GIF; Canvas size = %d x %d\n", gif.getCanvasWidth(), gif.getCanvasHeight());
    while (gif.playFrame(true, NULL))

Can you draw one pixel and halt the execution in setup()?


Yes Its working Fine, I can see a small green dot in the middle of the screen

Very good.

Next, I would write a green pixel to the four corners of the display to know the boundaries of the screen, then erase the green pixel by writing a black (background color) pixel over the green one.

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