Stacking shields


I have a motor shield and the Arduino Wireless proto shield, and an XBEE connected on the Wireless proto shield

1.a) is it mandatory to have the "Arduino Wireless proto shield" directly connected to the arduino (first shield, motor second)

1.b) in (1.a) the motor shield will "semi-cover" the Xbee , is that OK ?

  1. is it OK if the (6 pins) ICSP pins weren't connected from "Arduino Wireless proto shield" to the arduino?


  1. There is as far as I know no strict order of the shields, bit some shields have shorter pins and that can cause short circuit.
    Famous in this sense is the old ethernet shield with the big RJ45 connector.

If the XBEE is covered there is a chance the signal is disturbed/weaker.

  1. I think it is OK but a simple test will show it instantly :wink:

Thanks !

I have a follow up question.. men you mentioned shorter pins ... the Arduino wireless prototype shield has Long pins ... while the Motor shield (not designed by arduino themselves ) tugs right onto the arduino board ...

is this the case ? will this more likely cause a short circuit ... and why ?

I'm relatively new to all this

and thanks again :slight_smile:

is this the case ? will this more likely cause a short circuit ... and why ?

You just have to look if the bottom of one shield does not touch the components of the one under it.

It is that simple.