Staggered communication level question

Would it be possible to have a rasberry pi use usb seriel communcations with an arduino, in which the arduino has i2c and one wire communications to other components. Here is a flowchart of what i was thinking of:
Untitled Diagram.drawio
Thank you!

The Arduino nano only uses USB as the transport medium for it's serial data communications. IT cannot use native USB. So there is no way to make the connection you indicate. Just use serial communications between then Pi and the nano.

you can plug the Nano USB connector into a RPi USB where it creates a virtual serial port, e.g. dev/ttyUSB0
code implemented on the RPi (in C++, Java, Python, etc) can then communicate with the Nano transmitting commands (e.g. from GUI buttons, sliders, etc) and receiving sensor data (e.g. for display on graphs, etc)
depending upon the number and type of sensors etc you may need to externally power the Nano to avoid overloading the RPi power supply

Did I miss something? I don't see any reference to native USB in OP's post.

maybe more details of the project would help?
why do you require a Nano and a RPi?
could you dump the Nano and the RPi connect to the sensors, etc?
notice the RPi has a LoRa HAT - could you implement the project using a ESP32 and LoRa module, e.g. ttgo-lora32-sx1276-arduino-ide

Thank you. Is there anyway to calculate the power draw from everything and check if its under RPi's power supply? The current reason that I am using a Nano and an RPi is that they are going to be placed in two different areas. The project is essentially for a go kart. The nano collects batt data with a voltage divider, as well as a ads1015 with a shunt to measure current, and data from the temp sensors (ambient temp in batt case, as well as motor). The concept had the nano placed in a central area of the cart. The rpi would be up closer to the top of the cart, so I can implement the antenna for the LoRa and GNSS, to gather location data, and send data to another computer back in our tent. We need this information to make proper strategies, as the races we participate in are endurance. The project could potentially use the esp32, although I am not familliar with it. One thing down the line we are considering is running a small screen for data that the driver can have. Would the ESP32 be able to run it?