hi all, still really new to this, but i have a working roject ad would like to use the arduino atmega328 on its own.
my question is:
wich pin deals with the Vin (i am using 5v)?
if i am using both analogue and digital pins is it just a 16mhz crustal and 2x22pf caps that i need to get it up and running?
Search for Atmega328 pinout in Google Images. You can use the internal oscilator too (8 mhz) so you only need power (and some caps for power, if is not very stable...)
hi there,
thanks for the reply, so it means that i can just feed my 5v into the Vin pin ans connect the other stuff i have to the pins used and away i go???
also the images i have found before posting this dont show the difference between 5v, 3v they just show Vcc but dont label which one is which??
also would the internal 8 mhz be enough for 3 analogue pins and 5 digital?
Well, download the datasheet for the chip, 3.3V is just for the FTDI in Arduino, the Atmega can handle like from 2V (or 2.7) to 5.5V (or 6) in VCC, just be sure that is stable.
8 mhz is enough, even couple of khz can handle your inputs and outputs, but you need to set some fuses to use the internal oscilator, I think you can set it from 127 khz to 16-20mhz external but 8 mhz is pretty standard.
I used an attiny85 + usb wall adapter in this outlet (it is a timer) to handle a relay, 2 leds, 1 button, no more components used, the same you can do with the atmega:
Vin is only on the Arduino board and not a pin on the ATmega328.
If you look at the schematic for an Arduino, you would see that Vin goes into a regulator to provide Vcc for the ATmega328. Most boards use 5V, some 8MHz boards use 3V3.