I wounder if someone could help me with this one: I´m planning to build a joystick with 4 pots, 7 buttons and one POV hat (hat switch). I would like to use only one Atmega8 for the project, but I have no clue how I could communicate with my computer. One option would be to use the arduinos built in serial-to-usb chip, but I would like to only use an Atmega8. How can I do that, or is it even possible to do so?
I wounder if someone could help me with this one: I´m planning to build a joystick with 4 pots, 7 buttons and one POV hat (hat switch). I would like to use only one Atmega8 for the project, but I have no clue how I could communicate with my computer. One option would be to use the arduinos built in serial-to-usb chip, but I would like to only use an Atmega8. How can I do that, or is it even possible to do so?
Get a PC USB to serial cable then use the Arduino serial port.
Toward the bottom of his explanation on how to make a standalone Arduino with a 328, Nick Gammon explains how to hook up a FTDI cable or breakout to it. This can be used to communicate serially (via USB) with your PC.
Making a Arduino become a joystick or a similar HID compliant Device is more than just hooking the Arduino to the computer via. a standard USB to Serial converter while it is needed to connect your Arduino to the computer but you need to run a HID stack over your uC for that you can goto V-USB(google it!) and you would be able to just use your ATmega8 and make it into a HID device.
I wounder if someone could help me with this one: I´m planning to build a joystick with 4 pots, 7 buttons and one POV hat (hat switch). I would like to use only one Atmega8 for the project, but I have no clue how I could communicate with my computer. One option would be to use the arduinos built in serial-to-usb chip, but I would like to only use an Atmega8. How can I do that, or is it even possible to do so?
Do you want to build a serial or USB based joystick? Serial would be relatively easy to build, you just need to add something like a MAX232 or equivalent chip to translate from the Atmega's 5V to the required +- 12V as required for serial communication. This is probably a dead end though since serial ports are quite scarce on modern computers.
If you don't already have the Atmega I would suggest the Arduino compatible Teensy or Teensy++ boards. These also use Atmel micro controllers but have a much improved USB inteface compared to the "standard" Atmega boards. http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/
Te Teensyduino software plugin for the Arduino IDE will provide you with many more examples, including some for a USB Joystick. The Teensys also have much smaller footprint comparable to a Arduino Nano for the Teensy++. For a joystick application the even smaller Teensy should be fine and only costs $16.
Do you want to build a serial or USB based joystick? Serial would be relatively easy to build, you just need to add something like a MAX232 or equivalent chip to translate from the Atmega's 5V to the required +- 12V as required for serial communication. This is probably a dead end though since serial ports are quite scarce on modern computers.
That's what I was searching for. I wanted to make a USB based joystick. I took a look at the links and it sound extremely complicated. I'll try to read more about USB connection, maybe that way I can understand a bit more from, how I should adapt and configure it the right way...