Some articles online said its possible to deploy your project without actually using your Arduino parts and board, however another micro controller can be used with the 'Burn Bootloader' method. I have created a very sensitive trip-wire and I would like to deploy it to my house, but do not want to use my Arduino board or the components that came with it, I have tried searching the forum for the answer but have found nothing, does anyone have documentation on Arduino or elsewhere that this can be accomplished.
Ty that helped greatly.
Warm greetings on a cold morning,
I have split my sketch into two parts,
a) Stand-alone, remotely deployed unit, that does all the interesting stuff and which poses no problem and
b) A PC (windows or iinux) based management sketch, that is used to:
i) Manage the setup data loaded into the arduino EEPROM
ii) Run basic diagnostic tests
iii) Download data logged to both EEPROM and SD card.
Can someone point me to any documentation or URL that will help me understand how to progress? Perhaps I am using the wrong search words? (Arduino, standalone, deploy) In essence I must compile the management sketch unit so that it does not require the arduino front-end IDE. Any advice or guidance would be hugely appreciated.
Much obliged
Perhaps I am using the wrong search words? (Arduino, standalone, deploy)
In my experience, very few people have used the word "deploy."
I must compile the management sketch unit so that it does not require the arduino front-end IDE.
No sketch ever "requires" the Arduino IDE. the IDE produces a .hex file which is programmed into the AVR on the Arduino, and after that the IDE does not need to be involved in anything at all. It's not really needed before that, either. The .hex file could be loaded using some other tool, and/or produced using some other compiler setup. In short, I don't know what you are asking for...
Some articles online said its possible to deploy your project without actually using your Arduino parts and board, however another micro controller can be used with the 'Burn Bootloader' method. I have created a very sensitive trip-wire and I would like to deploy it to my house, but do not want to use my Arduino board or the components that came with it, I have tried searching the forum for the answer but have found nothing, does anyone have documentation on Arduino or elsewhere that this can be accomplished.
Nick's tutorials are great and I recommend them. You can also view some of the stuff I have done. This is about as bare-bones as one can get: FLATduino.... well, unless you want to build in dead-bug style, soldering directly to the chip leads.