I am ordering some parts to start making things with. I already have a good background in electronics and everything, I'm just starting to get serious and actually buy some real things.
I'm wanting to order some of the standard parts such as resistors and capacitors and everything but I don't know which values I should get. Like I know I should get quite a few of 0.1uF caps, but like other values, and different types (electrolytic, etc...) I don't Know.
If anyone could shed some light on the most standard and used values I would greatly appreciate it. I realize that there are probably some times that I will need a special value or whatever, but I'm just looking for the most useful so far.
Also if there's anything else that I've skipped over that I will need, I would be thankful for such information.
Here's what I have so far. Please correct me if any of these are probably not good.
If you really want to do things right on the resistors, go with an EIA decade series:
Probably the easiest for the hobbyist is an E-24 series; this will give you a wide range of values and won't require the huge storage investment an E-48 or 96 series would require. Don't try to cheap out and go E-12 with 5% tolerance parts; you'll end up with "holes" in the values (because the tolerance won't cover the "gaps").
As far as caps, that will more depend on what you end up doing than anything else. You're on track with the 0.1uF caps; those are mainly used for filtering on digital ICs (connected between ground and power).
If you are planning on using ATMega8/168/328 microcontroller chips only (for standalone Arduino implementations, perhaps), and you plan on using crystals (as opposed to resonators), you will want to find some 18-33pF caps for the load capacitance (22pF caps are "perfect") of the 16-20 MHz crystals.
You will also want 16 (and maybe 20 MHz) crystals - or you may go with resonators (instead of crystals), and forgo the load caps.
If you are planning on working with any voltage regulators (again, for standalone Arduinos); get some 7805s - and get some 47uF electrolytic caps, plus some 1N4001 or 1N4004 rectifier diodes.
If you plan on working with higher voltages that you need to regulate, say 12 volts DC, then get some 7812 voltage regulators as well.
You might want an assortment of NPN and PNP transistors, in TO-92 cases (small signal transistors); if you are going to play with homemade h-bridges for larger motors, then such transistors in TO-220 cases are better (or for really large motors, TO-3 cases); note that you will also want heatsinks and mounting kits for these too. Or you might go with MOSFETs - really, you might be better off buying these items as-needed in a project, unless you can find good deals on them.
L298 motor drivers are good to have on hand as well - also ULN2803 and ULN2003 can be handy for many thing. 74HC595 shift registers are also a popular to have on hand Arduino item...
Small motors, LEDs (red, green, yellow are cheapest - leave the RGB, Blues, and Whites for special projects). Depending on what you are doing, some microswitches, potentiometers, a few (or many) servos, some relays, etc - all very useful to have on hand.
To determine whether you need or want a lot of this stuff, though, will be mostly determined by what you plan on doing; if you were planning on building visual displays or light-based art - will require a different kit than say, working with sound synthesis, which is different than say robotics...
I should very much like to add some things here during the next day (just in a hurry). Though I generally do not contradict to cr0sh's sound opinions, I will in this case:
I have hardly ever used a resistor outside the E3 series, this is around what you already have on your pick list. Buy 100 of each of them. That might sound ridiculous, but they will cost the same as 50, and 20 are definitely not enough.
Don't buy any 78xx there are fine replacements, and you dont need 100 but 5 pcs. will do for the start
I shall come out with a shopping list soon (opamp, ...) You might form some ideas about LEDs in the meantime yourself (1.8mm? 3mm? 5mm? RGB? Dual color? with internal resitors?)
First investments feel expensive... How much $ do you plan to spend? $100?, $200? $300? If even more waits in your purse, than please. please think of purchasing an oscilloscop - it is an eye-opener, it will give you the best of information what is happening, and it will save you hundreds of hours of frustrating debugging.
I should very much like to add some things here during the next day (just in a hurry). Though I generally do not contradict to cr0sh's sound opinions, I will in this case:
I'm no sage...
I have hardly ever used a resistor outside the E3 series, this is around what you already have on your pick list. Buy 100 of each of them. That might sound ridiculous, but they will cost the same as 50, and 20 are definitely not enough.
Part of this does depend on what you are planning on doing; if you don't know what you plan to do, then buying a wide range might be a good deal (though it is expensive; I did it and spent quite the amount to outfit my resistor kit - 100 pcs each of E-24 adds up!) - but I wanted to cover my bases. A smaller E-3 kit is fine if all you plan on doing is general purpose digital and LED type work, but it likely won't cover it if you plan on say, building custom ultrasonic ranging devices, or RF, or amplifiers, or oscillators, etc.
Don't buy any 78xx there are fine replacements, and you dont need 100 but 5 pcs. will do for the start
Well - if you can find a bunch of 7805s for 10 cents a piece, it might be a great bargain! There are better options, true, but the 780x series are workhorses as long as you keep the voltage in/out diff low (they aren't very efficient when the difference is large).
I shall come out with a shopping list soon (opamp, ...) You might form some ideas about LEDs in the meantime yourself (1.8mm? 3mm? 5mm? RGB? Dual color? with internal resitors?)
I still say stay basic with the LEDs - a standard 3 or 5 mm r/g/y set, perhaps 8-16 of each color. Maybe a few dual color if you think they might be handy. RGB only if that is something you want to play with or have a project in mind for such a device. Stay away from ones with internal resistors unless you know you need that for a project. For most experimentation, if you don't care about color, cheapo reds will do fine. Leave the fancier ones for when you know what your project(s) will ultimately be about...
First investments feel expensive... How much $ do you plan to spend? $100?, $200? $300? If even more waits in your purse, than please. please think of purchasing an oscilloscop - it is an eye-opener, it will give you the best of information what is happening, and it will save you hundreds of hours of frustrating debugging.
Only if you know how to choose the right one and use one; otherwise it can be an exercise in frustration (and if you pick the wrong one, you might end up buying more than you ever need). An o-scope is one of those things that you should possibly wait for buying until you need it, unless you know you'll be doing projects ahead of time where you'll know one might come in handy. You don't want to buy an expensive paperweight you won't use.
What tools do you have already?
I would say a good quality DMM with LC ranges is a better thing to have on the bench; even a cheap DMM is better than nothing - next would be a logic tester. You might want to invest in a small analog meter (some things can be tested better with an analog meter than a digital one). For certain things, a function generator and a frequency counter are nice - but not necessary (typically, you'll want those when you buy an o-scope anyhow).
A better investment might be a good dual output (or triple if you can swing it) adjustable regulated bench power supply...perhaps 0-15 VDC and 0-5 amps...
Don't buy any 78xx there are fine replacements, and you dont need 100 but 5 pcs. will do for the start
I have to agree with this, the 7805 really is a hot, power hungry, dinosaur, and the are far more efficient options that are quite cheap, like the L4940V5.
edit: buying a resistor and capacitor assortment can be a good idea, doesn't have to be anything specific, just look for a cheap assortment on ebay.
As for other parts, I would recommend just ordering a few spares when you order parts for your projects, as it will be very specific to what you like to make, and how you like to make it.
Well, I promised lightheartedly to post something the other day...
This here is a "Beta Version", I should appreciate any comments..
There are very good reasons why I choose any of those parts, but it would now need to many lines to explain that in detail
This is the set of parts I should recommend for an aspiring hobby electronics
Very much depends on your scope of electronics. It will look quiete different if you are interested in HF, or in high voltage applications....
each 100 pcs: 220 - 470 - 1k - 2k2 - 10k - 22k - 100k
each 20 pcs: 100 - 220k - 1M
if you want to be perfect, also 20 pcs of: 330 - 4k7 - 47k
You might need more specific values in these cases:
To exactly match brightness of different colored LEDs.
To set up a specific voltage with adjustable voltage regulators as LM317.
To setup fine tuned low pass or high pass filters
For all this there are no recommended values to keep in store...
Take metal resistors, the are generally light blue rather than orange with 4 stripes on it (abc + d zeroes)
There are fine models from ALPS (RK06) that also fit into breadboards
5x 10k
5x 100k
20x 1N4004
20x 1N4148
10x 1N5818 (Schottky)
10x Zener Diodes 5.1 Volts 0.5W
10x Zener Diodes 3.3 Volts 0.5W
You migh not need the Zeners, but they do not costso much....
100x BC 337 or BC 547 or 2N3904 (NPN)
20x BC 327 or BC 557 or 2N3906 (PNP)
10x Power N-FET (logic level, 50V, 10A) as IRLIZ34N or similar
(I now say "5" as a compromise..)
Voltage regulators
5xLM2940 or similar
Logic Chips
5x 74HC4093 (4xNAND with Schmitt Trigger input)
5x 74HC06 (6xInverter with OC output)
5x 74HC4016 (6x Inverter with high voltage input)
5x 74HC42 4:10 decoder
5x 74HC166 (PISO)
5x 74HC595 (SIPO)
5x 74HC295 (3:8 decoder/latch)
5x 74HC4040 (12 fold frequency divider)
5x ULN 2803 (low side driver)
3xPort Expander for I2C bus PCF 8574
3xAnalog Multiplexer 4051
3xAnalog Switch 4066
You might want some 22p if you want to make own AVR boards
each 20 of: 1n - 10n - 100n - 470n (Ceramics, 60 volts)
each 10 of electrolytes (25 or 30 volts rating): 4u7 - 47u - 470u
Chrystals (Just to have them... HCU49U)
2x 12 MHz
4x 16 MHz
2x 20 Mhz
2x 1 MHz
2x 16 MHz
Dfficult to store, buy when you need