StandardFirmata and Arduino Mega 2560

Hi Everyone,

I'm very new to the wonderful world of Arduino so thank you for you time!

I am trying to control a DMX dimmer with Arduino Mega equipped with a DMX shield

I bought the Arduino Mega off a friend to help her out so not sure if its necessarily the right one for me...

I'm trying to load the StandardFirmata as I'm planning on using Max/MSP with Maxuino to control the lighting and I'm getting the message:

'Total_PINS' was not declared in this scope

Is this because I have more digital and analogue outputs that than the Arduino Uno?

I'd really appreciate somebody shedding some light on things for me.



I'm trying to load the StandardFirmata as I'm planning on using Max/MSP with Maxuino to control the lighting and I'm getting the message:

'Total_PINS' was not declared in this scope

Is this because I have more digital and analogue outputs that than the Arduino Uno?

No, it's because Firmata was not designed with the Mega in mind, and no one has ported it to the Mega, yet.


Thanks for you response.

I'll have to work something else out then.

Would the Arduino Uno be a good option if I wanted to use allot of sketches designed by other people?

There are a lot of sketches that other people have written that work fine on the Mega. Just not any of the Firmata variations. Those, of course, will work on the UNO.

Thanks Paul, do you know of any resources for using the Mega with Maxuino?

Its fairly simple to control the mega over serial,
simply if serial == this then do that
either have different commands for specialized functions or convert it directly to a command,
I have my mega set to receive a 4command byte command over serial,
first two bytes declare what pin
Third declares input or output
fourt declares on or off, analog or digital
and it works with any program that can use serial

Thanks, I'll have a play with this.
