hello, i am trying the mega starter kit but i am at the very beggining. We are supposed to click on a button to make the light turn on (it works) and then click on another button to make the light turn off. My problem is: the light doesn't turn off when i click on the button. So i was wondering if anyone knew if there is an error, or maybe i just need to modify anything... i am just starting in all that so maybe it's smth stupid, but if someone has an answer, i would be gratefull, thanks!!
Welcome to the forum
We can't see the sketch that you are using or how you have wired the project. The problem will either be in the code or in your wiring
First check the wiring. Is it exactly as it should be. If it on a breadboard then check every connection. If it uses pushbutton switches then make sure that they are connected properly. The square pushbuttons, if that is what you have, are best connected using contacts that are diagonally opposite
Post the code that you are using and use code tags when you post it here. Post a very clear photo of your project showing all connections
ok! i will try thank you very much!
This would be a good time to learn about schematics as well as that is the basic language of electronics. You can download KiCad for free and it is a complete package. Using a frizzy program will be initially easier but most of us do not like it because it cannot properly do complicated designs and things do connect properly or is everything shown. It is a wire program not a schematic program. By entering these designs into the cad program will get easier as time goes buy and you will learn electronics much faster.
If you post the code, we can look it over and let you know what you're doing wrong. It's probably very simple error to fix.
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