Hi Arlon
I see that you're particularly interested by the bright side of the force. Well, if I could give you one advice : buy a looooot of leds. Don't worry about the size, etc... but just buy lots of them.
My best advice would be to go to an ebay store, where you can find some really neat prices. I bought my first batch from HKJE Led Center. That's one amongst many.
The LEDs are not always calibrated, wich means that some are much brighter than others, but don't worry, for prototyping, you don't need that.
Then, I would recommend the 2 magic chips : MAX7219 and TLC5940.
The first is useful for driving LED matrices. You can drive an 8x8 matrix using only 3 pins from the Arduino.
The second is really nice for driving up to 16 LEDs with individual control on each LED brightness.
Both chips have a lot of good tutorials and libraries.
You might also want to use some good old Shift Registers (74HC164). It allows you control up to 8 outputs, using only 2 on the Arduino.
Finally (but this will come way later), you should have a look at the ULN2803 and UDN2981 chips, those will be useful when you'll want to grow your project (more brightness == more leds > more amps, etc...)
About learning how to use the thing : the playground && freeduino.org
Best starting point. In addition, you should check some useful blogs.
todbot blog – Random experiments, circuits, code, rapid prototyping, sometimes things to buy, and the odd tune by Tod Kurt.
(and mine, of course ^^)
Last thing : I bought my Arduino NG about 3 years ago, never had any problem with it. I'm not sure how the other boards reacts to the passing time, but my bet would be that you buy an official board from the original makers
Seems to be out of stock, so I'd go with
(damn, out of stock too)
Good luck ^^