Steering wheel speedo, electronics help required, swap for 3D print?

My latest arduino project is a steering wheel mounted 4x 7 seg display, 1 starburst display and a 20LED bar graph.
I've got the hang of programming side of things, and I've had each individual feature working, but when I try to get it together and minaturised off the prototype board it all goes wrong. I think this is down to my soldering skills, and patience/accuracy of getting each wire in the right place. I feel a bit dirty asking someone to make this for me as I dont feel I've offered much back to the forum yet, but I'm at the end of my tether, and have a little boy due to arrive any day now, so I won't have anymore time available. Would be perfect to get it ready for a track day I have booked end August.
I've fortunately got access to a 3D printer and I'm experienced in CAD so if I can trade skills with someone, that would be great. Alternatively, happy to cough up some cash, if thats what it takes!
Will post some pictures of my housing and a schematic of what I'm trying to achieve.
Be interested to hear if someone is interesting in helping/swapping skills.

The 3D print ive done for the steering wheel mount, could offer a similar size print, to a set design, or i could do some design work for you.


That does it, I'm getting a 3D printer next. :grin:

Drop me what you have and I will take a look at it for you for the 3D print swap.

I have no idea what i will want at this stage so I will keep it as a credit note :wink:

You can take a quick look at my other projects on my website if you like

PM me for my personal email

Cheers Pete.

Thanks Pete, to finish my intention of finishing off my request, I've attached a schematic of what I'm trying to build.
(turns out my son arrived 2 weeks early so I have my hands full and my posts are going to be even more sparse! apologies in advance)

This looks fun, do you still need help with this?

Hi, i've got a chap helping me out, hopefully he'll be able to help, thanks for the offer, will contact directly if I get desperate.

which 3D printer you use?

Unfortunately not had much reply from Peter since I sent some hardware to play with.
Peter if your still out there and for some reason my emails have been bouncing I'd like to get in touch again.
If anyone else is interested the 3D print offer and CAD/design skills still stand. The printer is from HP, not the greatest resolution (0,25mm layer thickness) but great that its in ABS plastic.



Roughly where are you located?

The midlands why?

It will be a few weeks to either get the hardware back from Peter at EmbeddedAT or buy some more. Its basically the last 10% of the project that I struggled with.
I'll dig out the emails to Peter that include the chunks of code I have working individually.


Peter if your still out there and for some reason my emails have been bouncing I'd like to get in touch again.

Hi NIck .. sure I am still here, and you are right I have not seen any emails from you for a while now. I have sent you a PM explaining the state of this project.

Cheers Pete.