Step motor circuit build and programming

I'm attempting to build a circuit that will control a step motor for the purpose of controlling the pitch of a wind turbines blades, based off the RPM of the generator/wind turbines blades.
The purpose of this is to make sure the turbine is always operating at its most efficient pitch for the wind speed in the environment.

Considering I'm a novice in electronics i'm looking for some advice, direction, expertise and any and all instructional videos or literature that would assist me in the building and programming of the circuit.

Slow down a bit and begin by showing us your working model of attaching and controlling the pitch of the wind turbine blades. Do you have sensors to tell the current pitch of the blades? IF you don't know the current pitch, you have no chance of changing the pitch to improve the efficiency.

Limiting your scope to what I know does you no good. The internet (filtered) is for your experiments, errors and success. Your username combined with your post confuses me.

Let me explain a little bit further, in a nutshell i want to control a stepper motor, I think the best option would be to use an arduino.
Firstly i need to build a simple circuit to control the stepper motor and then after the circuit is built we would then add more sensors to collect the data and act accordingly. The final end result would be for the circuit to be autonomous.

Then, if I understand correctly, you have no intention of trying to vary the pitch of wind turbine blades, just making a stepper motor turn. Then there are hundreds of threads on the forum relaying to stepper motors and controllers. That is what you can find using the "search forum" button on the upper right of your screen.

GEM is the name of my startup and the topic for any of my future questions will be around electronics simply put, sorry for any confusion.

No we do intend to vary the pitch of the blades by using the the stepper motor, there will be some sensors that will be attached in the circuit to provide the information to the motor for the correct degree. The information we intend to use as input for the correct pitch of the blade will come from the RPM of the generator in the turbine.
Sorry if i am not being completely clear in my description, i am at the very start of my education on the subject.

How many blades and how many stepper motors? Is it one motor per blade or are the blades connected to one motor?

sorry for the late reply, 1 stepper motor to control all five blades was the plan, would this be correct?

Have you done test to see what the limits of effective blade movement are??
I know 40 degrees is too far as that presents a nearly flat surface to the wind.
Are you using gears to control all 5 blades or are you using lever linkages? Will the stepper motor rotate with the blades?

We are using lever linkages to control the blades and the stepper motor will not spin with the blades, it will be fixed relative to the blades. We need to know just how to make the circuit for the stepper motor, how to get the signal from some sensors and send a signal to the stepper motor accordingly based on the data provided.

Well, you can't consider a circuit for the stepper until you have identified the stepper motor you are going to use. That will require you to know the amount of torque required for your project. Torque required to hold position and torque required to move your mechanism under load.