Stephen C. Leber, Multimedia, Arduino Music Maker Shield

Greetings Arduino Forum! So stoked

I am currently trying to wire/program together a project that is simple enough on paper, but I keep running into little hurdles the more problems I solve.

Anyway, this is the project:

Mount an Adafruit MP3 Music Maker Shield on top of an Arduino Genuino UNO (complete)
Connect an Adafruit LSM303 Accelerometer/Magnemeter sensor (complete)

Next steps:
If motion sensor move to the Left, play an audio MP3 file #1
If motion sensor move to the Right, play an audio MP3 file #2

I am currently at the last part, trying to get different audio files to play when the motion sensor is tilted in two different directions. I did some research, but I keep finding conflicting info on whether you can use just the GIO pins or use the regular Arduino pins. Also, the code format is unfamiliar to me as I've never used the shield before, particularly the syntax for the GIO pins.

Anyone who can help will be much appreciated, or even just pointers in the right direction.

I just need to get sound to play depending upon which direction the motion sensor is moved, L or R