I change the stepper library and i want to publish it.
(integrating L298)
But i´m affraid if there is some copyright problem.
Who knows if i can or should i make my own lib ?.
thanks Arnold
I change the stepper library and i want to publish it.
(integrating L298)
But i´m affraid if there is some copyright problem.
Who knows if i can or should i make my own lib ?.
thanks Arnold
I don't think anyone would guess from your title that you have a legal copyright question.
My guess (and it is no more than that) is that the Arduino stepper library is already in the public domain and publishing a variant of it here would not cause a problem.
There may be a problem if you want to incorporate the library in a commercial project.
I presume the Arduino licensing terms are buried in the IDE files somewhere.
I do wish people would NOT use L298s to driver stepper motors.