Not sure if this is the correct forum, but it seemed as close as any other.
I was at a friend of mine who runs a re-cycling business today. He has been stripping printers and copiers and saving the motors for me. Today I picked up a bucket full of small stepper motors. But, and a big but, they all need cables. The connector on most of them is a 6 wire flat connector with a section cut out.
My problem is they recycled the cables and just kept the motors. So I need to find new cables and I have been looking for about 4 hours on google with no success, probably because I have no idea what terms to use in the search.
Here's a photo of the plug. Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
I was in the process of doing what the article recommends when you posted. I have to wait 5 minutes to re post and since there is no way to "inline" and attachment it takes me at least 5 minutes to put the image on the page. Sorry, just seems I was a little too slow this time.
You can buy strips of header sockets like are on an Uno or Mega. I wonder would they fit the pins? Then you could solder wires to them?
I think the header pins are male. I need female for the connector. I think what I need is something like the jumpers that come with or can be purchased for a breadboard. The wire is pretty small, probably AWG 20 or 22 is the only problem I see. It seems to me I should be able to find either connector and cable pre wired or find a source of connectors that I can use to build cables. If I knew the name of the connector type I could probably find what I am looking for.
I found the connector on Digi-Key site. The connectors are very inexpensive as are the crimp pins, but the crimper is anywhere from $500 to $1000. That's way over my price range. So I found some connectors that have pretty much the same pins. I removed the pins and clipped off the little tab the pins seem to have. Then just pushed the pins on the motor pins, covered with shrink tube and I think that will give me a workable solution for now.