hello guys,i have been working on controlling a turn table with an arduino and hall sensor.im still learning to code and it would be of great help if someone could help me with code on how to stop the rotation of the table for a short interval when the sensor is triggered.
What do you have so far?
Do the opposite of what you are doing to make the table rotate
You should check out the Blink Without Delay example in the IDE (File->examples->02.Digital->BlinkWithoutDelay) to see how to track elapsed time without blocking your code from doing other things. It will be useful for pausing for a short internval when your sensor is triggered.
And you should post your sketch, but please read the sticky post at the top of the forum about how to do that properly using code tags. It will help people help you.
Such projects has been made here. Make a search Arduino + turntable.
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