stepper motor + i2c display help

hello, i have problem with combine 1 sample program with a i2c display. whem i try to combine it, something is no working... i am now combined all togeder, but motor have delay every one step. van somebody help???

i am using this code 

// Example5 code for Brian Schmalz's Easy Driver Example page

#include <AccelStepper.h>

// Define the stepper and the pins it will use
AccelStepper stepper1(AccelStepper::DRIVER, 9, 8);

// Define our three input button pins
#define  LEFT_PIN  4
#define  STOP_PIN  3
#define  RIGHT_PIN 2

// Define our analog pot input pin
#define  SPEED_PIN 0

// Define our maximum and minimum speed in steps per second (scale pot to these)
#define  MAX_SPEED 500
#define  MIN_SPEED 0.1

void setup() {
  // The only AccelStepper value we have to set here is the max speeed, which is higher than we'll ever go 
  // Set up the three button inputs, with pullups

void loop() {
  static float current_speed = 0.0;         // Holds current motor speed in steps/second
  static int analog_read_counter = 1000;    // Counts down to 0 to fire analog read
  static char sign = 0;                     // Holds -1, 1 or 0 to turn the motor on/off and control direction
  static int analog_value = 0;              // Holds raw analog value.
  // If a switch is pushed down (low), set the sign value appropriately
  if (digitalRead(LEFT_PIN) == 0) {
    sign = 1;
  else if (digitalRead(RIGHT_PIN) == 0) {    
    sign = -1;
  else if (digitalRead(STOP_PIN) == 0) {
    sign = 0;

  // We only want to read the pot every so often (because it takes a long time we don't
  // want to do it every time through the main loop).  
  if (analog_read_counter > 0) {
  else {
    analog_read_counter = 3000;
    // Now read the pot (from 0 to 1023)
    analog_value = analogRead(SPEED_PIN);
    // Give the stepper a chance to step if it needs to
    //  And scale the pot's value from min to max speeds
    current_speed = sign * (((analog_value/1023.0) * (MAX_SPEED - MIN_SPEED)) + MIN_SPEED);
    // Update the stepper to run at this new speed

  // This will run the stepper at a constant speed

i am trying to show % of SPEED_PIN 0
this is now working code, but with delay on motor steps...

#include <AccelStepper.h>
//LCD config
#include <Wire.h> 
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2);  //sometimes the LCD adress is not 0x3f. Change to 0x27 if it dosn't work.

// Define the stepper and the pins it will use
AccelStepper stepper1(AccelStepper::DRIVER, 9, 8);

// Define our three input button pins
#define  LEFT_PIN  4
#define  STOP_PIN  3
#define  RIGHT_PIN 2

// Define our analog pot input pin
#define  SPEED_PIN 0

// Define our maximum and minimum speed in steps per second (scale pot to these)
#define  MAX_SPEED 500
#define  MIN_SPEED 0.1

void setup() {

  // The only AccelStepper value we have to set here is the max speeed, which is higher than we'll ever go 
  // Set up the three button inputs, with pullups
  lcd.init();                      // initialize the lcd 
  // Print a message to the LCD.
  lcd.print("Joker 3D"); 
  lcd.print("Camera slider v4.4"); 

void loop() {

  static float percent = 0.0;        
  static float current_speed = 0.0;         // Holds current motor speed in steps/second
  static int analog_read_counter = 1000;    // Counts down to 0 to fire analog read
  static char sign = 0;                     // Holds -1, 1 or 0 to turn the motor on/off and control direction
  static int analog_value = 0;              // Holds raw analog value.

  // If a switch is pushed down (low), set the sign value appropriately
  if (digitalRead(LEFT_PIN) == 0) {
    sign = 1;
  else if (digitalRead(RIGHT_PIN) == 0) {    
    sign = -1;
  else if (digitalRead(STOP_PIN) == 0) {
    sign = 0;

  // We only want to read the pot every so often (because it takes a long time we don't
  // want to do it every time through the main loop).  
  if (analog_read_counter > 0) {
  else {
    analog_read_counter = 3000;
    // Now read the pot (from 0 to 1023)
    analog_value = analogRead(SPEED_PIN);
    // Give the stepper a chance to step if it needs to
    //  And scale the pot's value from min to max speeds
    current_speed = sign * (((analog_value/1023.0) * (MAX_SPEED - MIN_SPEED)) + MIN_SPEED);
    percent = sign * (analog_value * 0.0977517107);
    // Update the stepper to run at this new speed


  // This will run the stepper at a constant speed



thanks for helping

something is no working

If you can't tell us what is not working, there isn't a hope in hell that we'll be able to tell you why.

void setup() {

  // The only Accel

The ONLY excuse for putting the { on the same line as the function/statement is to reduce the number of lines of code. You look pretty silly following that with ANY blank lines.

    // Give the stepper a chance to step if it needs to

This needs to happen on EVERY pass through loop().


{What's} {with} {the} {useless} {curly} {braces} {?}