Ok as I know when ever someone ask a question others always ask for more information so I'm going to throw a lot out here.
So I bought these motors:
They got here yesterday so i figured i would try them out. well first thing is the ebay page is slightly wrong. apparently they are rated for .9 amps (that what it says on the out side and a product page i found once i got them Welcome cncsuperstore.com - BlueHost.com)
So i bust out my UNO and hook them up to some drivers i got. http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1-PCS-3D-Printer-Stepstick-Drv8825-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Reprap-4-PCB-Board-RUMBA-replace-A4988/32332367491.html I've tested the drives on another small motor i have and they drive that one just fine.
So anyways when i hook them up (ill get to the how i hooked them up in a bit) I get a high pitch whine coming from the motor and the shaft vibrates but doesn't move.
So first thing i did when putting this together is follow and old hook up guide. http://www.instructables.com/id/Drive-a-Stepper-Motor-with-an-Arduino-and-a-A4988-/?ALLSTEPS. Its technically for the a4988, but the same hook up worked on my smaller motor with the DRV8825. I also dont have the capacitor in the diagram, and hae a 9v battery as the power source (tested the batter with a multi-meter and it seems to be still good.
Any ways so in trying to diagnose it ive adjusted the VRef. I originally used the equation found on this page. https://www.pololu.com/file/download/drv8825.pdf?file_id=0J590 on page 12 section 8.3.2. Looking back im realizing that might not be the vref setting equation. (i put vref as X and solved for x). So with that i came up with a Vref of 1.38. which is what i set my driver to. (give or take .05). I also learned that according to this page: https://www.pololu.com/product/2133, i should have just under .5 vref to properly limit my amperage. but would too high of a amp make the whole thing not work? i just though it would fry it? Which would be bad but at least noticeable because even after testing with high vref i could still drive it with my a4988 stepstick.
I also tested the drive on my small motor to make sure i didn't accidentally fry it, but it still seemed to work with that one. I also checked and supposedly the default step for this driver is full.
oh and here is my code
int x;
#define BAUD (9600)
void setup()
pinMode(10,OUTPUT); // Enable
pinMode(9,OUTPUT); // Step
pinMode(8,OUTPUT); // Dir
digitalWrite(3,LOW); // Set Enable low
void loop() {
digitalWrite(10,LOW); // Set Enable low
digitalWrite(8,LOW); // Set Dir high
Serial.println("Loop right 200 steps (1 rev)");
for(x = 0; x < 200; x++) // Loop 200 times
digitalWrite(9,HIGH); // Output high
delay(20); // Wait
digitalWrite(9,LOW); // Output low
delay(100); // Wait
delay(1000); // pause one second
digitalWrite(8,HIGH); // Set Dir high
Serial.println("Loop Left 200 steps (1 rev)");
for(x = 0; x < 200; x++) // Loop 200 times
digitalWrite(9,HIGH); // Output high
delay(20); // Wait
digitalWrite(9 ,LOW); // Output low
delay(100); // Wait
delay(1000); // pause one second
simple full rotation forward, full rotation back.
So why isn't my stepper stepping? I'm very lost and if needed will upload a picture of everything tonight when i get back home.