Stepper motor making whining sound.

Ok as I know when ever someone ask a question others always ask for more information so I'm going to throw a lot out here.
So I bought these motors:

They got here yesterday so i figured i would try them out. well first thing is the ebay page is slightly wrong. apparently they are rated for .9 amps (that what it says on the out side and a product page i found once i got them Welcome -

So i bust out my UNO and hook them up to some drivers i got. I've tested the drives on another small motor i have and they drive that one just fine.

So anyways when i hook them up (ill get to the how i hooked them up in a bit) I get a high pitch whine coming from the motor and the shaft vibrates but doesn't move.

So first thing i did when putting this together is follow and old hook up guide. Its technically for the a4988, but the same hook up worked on my smaller motor with the DRV8825. I also dont have the capacitor in the diagram, and hae a 9v battery as the power source (tested the batter with a multi-meter and it seems to be still good.

Any ways so in trying to diagnose it ive adjusted the VRef. I originally used the equation found on this page. on page 12 section 8.3.2. Looking back im realizing that might not be the vref setting equation. (i put vref as X and solved for x). So with that i came up with a Vref of 1.38. which is what i set my driver to. (give or take .05). I also learned that according to this page:, i should have just under .5 vref to properly limit my amperage. but would too high of a amp make the whole thing not work? i just though it would fry it? Which would be bad but at least noticeable because even after testing with high vref i could still drive it with my a4988 stepstick.
I also tested the drive on my small motor to make sure i didn't accidentally fry it, but it still seemed to work with that one. I also checked and supposedly the default step for this driver is full.

oh and here is my code

int x; 
#define BAUD (9600)

void setup() 
  pinMode(10,OUTPUT); // Enable
  pinMode(9,OUTPUT); // Step
  pinMode(8,OUTPUT); // Dir
  digitalWrite(3,LOW); // Set Enable low

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(10,LOW); // Set Enable low
  digitalWrite(8,LOW); // Set Dir high
  Serial.println("Loop right 200 steps (1 rev)");
  for(x = 0; x < 200; x++) // Loop 200 times
    digitalWrite(9,HIGH); // Output high
    delay(20); // Wait
    digitalWrite(9,LOW); // Output low
    delay(100); // Wait
  delay(1000); // pause one second
  digitalWrite(8,HIGH); // Set Dir high
  Serial.println("Loop Left 200 steps (1 rev)");
  for(x = 0; x < 200; x++) // Loop 200 times
    digitalWrite(9,HIGH); // Output high
    delay(20); // Wait
    digitalWrite(9  ,LOW); // Output low
    delay(100); // Wait
  delay(1000); // pause one second

simple full rotation forward, full rotation back.

So why isn't my stepper stepping? I'm very lost and if needed will upload a picture of everything tonight when i get back home.

Too much current makes it get warm, but the wires should not melt that easy.

Do you have 4 wires or 6 wires from the stepper motor ?

Did you know that you can manually test a stepper motor ?

Arduino has a Stepper library : Stepper - Arduino Reference

There is also a library with automatic speed increase/decrease : AccelStepper: AccelStepper library for Arduino

hae a 9v battery as the power source (tested the batter with a multi-meter and it seems to be still good.

The small rectangular 9V batteries do not work for motors.

You need a motor power supply capable of 12-30 volts and a couple of amperes. Be sure to set the current limit to the correct value (0.9 amps or less) on the motor driver.

The Pololu web page for the A4988 board has a good wiring diagram and general instructions.

This Simple Stepper Code works with those instructions - just ensure the pin references in the program match your own connections.

Stepper Motor Basics

Thanks every one for the replies Jremington figured it out. Just needed a better power supply. and thanks to Koepel for those videos, not what I needed but very helpful in general.

Thanks for the update.
