Stepper motor not turning ( just vibrates )

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I have this NEMA 17, and I'm connecting it to an L298N and a Lolin NodeMCU v3, when I try to run the motors it just vibrates, I've checked the wiring and they are connected to the correct coils. IN 1 is connected to D5, IN 2 is connected to D6, IN 3 is connected to D7, IN 4 is connected to D8, the NodeMCU v3 is connected with an external USB

The L298 is not a stepper driver, and can't handle the current required by most stepper motors.

Buy a proper stepper driver that matches the motor specs. Pololu has a good selection.

Does the logical voltage level of the Lolin NodeMCU v3 match the L298N motor control inputs?

Also remember, there needs to be a common GND between devices.


I will test that out, thanks for your feedback

An A4988 would work?

An A4988 would work?

Maybe. How much current does you stepper need?

Please post a link to the stepper. The A4988 can handle only 1 Ampere/winding.

usongshine 17hs4401

max current of 1.7A/phase

1.5 A/phase, maximum. The DRV8825 will work.

I should power it with 18v and step down to 5v for the NodeMCU module right?

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