Stepper Motor out of phase(?) but used to work fine before library update

I have an unusual dilemma. I have a project that uses 2 Nema 17 stepper motors that I created about 4 years ago and it has worked great. The other day I re-uploaded (long story as to why) the same exact Arduino code, without changing a single thing to the wiring, motors, drivers, or code itself, and now the stepper motors won't work properly. Previously we were using them at 200 rpm, and now they won't even spin when set to that speed, they just make an awful grinding noise. They will spin at lower speeds (~50-100rpm), but still loud and vibrating like something is wrong.

I have tried replacing the motor with a brand new one just in case. That changed nothing. Also tried replacing the driver ( TB6612) just in case that was it and changed nothing.

The ONLY thing I can possibly think of is that when I re-uploaded the code, it would have pulled from the most recent Arduino libraries, not whatever was used a few years back when I originally wrote the code. However, reviewing the most recent documentation with my code I can't find an obvious incompatibility. It's a very simple program.

Is anyone aware of any changes to the stepper library over the last few years that would cause a problem? Or have any other thoughts as to what my issue is?

This is my code for reference:

#include <Stepper.h>
#include <Servo.h>

/****** CONSTANTS ********/
const int 
          LEDBUTTON1 = 0,    // pin for LED of button 1
          LEDBUTTON2 = 1,   // pin for LED of button 2
          BUTTON1 = 2,      // pin for button 1 that runs the liquid sequence
          BUTTON2 = 3,      // pin for button 2 that runs the solid sequence
          StepsPerRevolution = 200, // Our motors have 200 steps/rotation
// setup pins for each stepper motor and the servo: 
// Lift Motor pins ~ IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4 (pins 4 - 7)
          LiftIN1 = 4, 
          LiftIN2 = 5, 
          LiftIN3 = 6, 
          LiftIN4 = 7,
// Push Motor pins ~ IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4 (pins 8 - 11)
          PushIN1 = 8, 
          PushIN2 = 9, 
          PushIN3 = 10, 
          PushIN4 = 11,         
// Servo Pin
          PinServo = 12,
// Motor Speeds in RPM
          LiftSpeed = 200,  // Set between 0 and 200 RPM
          PushSpeed = 45,  // Set between 0 and 60 RPM
// Step movements for the stepper motors
          LiftSteps = 2780,
          PushSteps = 475,
// Position constants for the Servo
          PosServo = 130,   // set an initial poisiton of the servo
// Time constants
          sec = 1000;    // in milliseconds

/**************Wire Connections from Arduino to plate**************
 * Pin 0 - LED Button (Directly connected to button wires)
 * Pin1 - LED Button (Directly connected to button wires)
 * Pin 2 - 25A (Button 1)
 * Pin 3 - 26A (Button 2)
 * Pin 4 - 20A (Lift AIN2)
 * Pin 5 - 19A (Lift AIN1)
 * Pin 6 - 17A (Lift BIN1)
 * Pin 7 - 16A (Lift BIN2)
 * Pin 8 - 9A (Push AIN2)
 * Pin 9 - 8A (Push AIN1)
 * Pin 10 - 6A (Push BIN2)
 * Pin 11 - 5A (Push BIN1)
 * Pin 12 - 28A (Servo)

/**********PORT Functions**********
 * The PORTB/PORTD functions allow the manipulation of pins on 
 * the Arduino uno. Each pin can be set to either High (1) or Low (0).
 * The correlation between functions and pins:
 *                    PORTD (pins 0-7)
 *  Value      PD7  PD6  PD5  PD4  PD3  PD2  PD1  PD0
 *  Pin         7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0
 *                    PORTB (pins 8-13)
 *  Value      PB7  PB6  PB5  PB4  PB3  PB2  PB1  PB0
 *  Pin         X    X    13   12   11   10   9    8
Servo DumperServo;
Stepper LiftStepper(StepsPerRevolution, LiftIN1, LiftIN2, LiftIN3, LiftIN4);
Stepper PushStepper(StepsPerRevolution, PushIN1, PushIN2, PushIN3, PushIN4);

void setup(){
  delay(5*sec);                   // delay initial raising to account for human error
  LiftStepper.setSpeed(LiftSpeed); // set the speed of the motors here (rpm)
  // line sets pins high or low, killing current to stepper motors. Turns on LED Buttons connected to pins 0,1
  PORTD = B00000011; 
  PORTB = B00000000; // enter standby mode
void loop()
if(digitalRead(BUTTON1) == HIGH){    /********** LIQUID PROGRAM **********/
    digitalWrite(LEDBUTTON1, LOW); // turns off the LED buttons
    digitalWrite(LEDBUTTON2, LOW);
    LiftStepper.step(-LiftSteps); // down
    PORTD = B00000000;             // kills current to LiftStepper, allowing more torque in PushStepper
    PushStepper.step(PushSteps); // push
    LiftStepper.step(LiftSteps);  // up
    PushStepper.step(-PushSteps); // pull
    PORTD = B00000011;      // sets pins 0,1 high, turning on the LED buttons, and setting all other pins low
    PORTB = B00000000;      // cycle complete, returns to standby mode
if(digitalRead(BUTTON2) == HIGH){   /********** SOLID PROGRAM **********/
    digitalWrite(LEDBUTTON1, LOW);    // turns off the LED buttons
    digitalWrite(LEDBUTTON2, LOW);
    LiftStepper.step(-LiftSteps); // down
    PORTD = B00000000;            // kills current to LiftStepper, allows more current to servo
    DumperServo.write(-PosServo); //dump
    LiftStepper.step(LiftSteps);  // up
    DumperServo.write(PosServo);  // reset servo position 
    PORTD = B00000011;    // sets pins 0,1 high, turning on the LED buttons, and setting all other pins low
    PORTB = B00000000;    //cycle complete, returns to standby mode

I'm not an expert on this but from what I've learned with stepper drivers is the power up sequence matters:
-- first power the stepper
-- then initialize the control

I'm not but.... Usually there's documentation telling what changes has been made from one revision to the next. Do some search for that documentation!
One standard used in large project is to document every change in a commenting header in each source file. Any such found?

After you check as @Railroader suggests, I would treat the problem as a normal debugging process and see what simpler things you can get to function. A single stepper perhaps.

It would upload exactly the same libraries unless you have updated them.

Good advice from @wildbill, forget it ever worked and try and trace the fault.

Most likely you are not doing exactly the same as before anyway.

So if this were the case would there be something I'd have to change in the code to power on the stepper before controlling it? Sorry I'm new to this. I just assumed they were automatically being powered on when plugged into the power supply and drivers.

I haven't been able to find any clear documentation so far on the changes between the updates. I could just be looking in the wrong place, but I feel like if it exists it would be somewhere on the GitHub page for the project? So far I haven't found much useful there.

I was doing this from a new computer, so with the new computer the most recent libraries were the ones downloaded. I may have to start from scratch. I guess I could go back and just download the old libraries and see if any of those work, but it seems like I'd want it to be compatible with the most recent version as I'm sure any changes would have been made for a reason.

Have you inspected the folder containing the library? Usually a Word or Text file contains the history of the library. a.doc, docx or a .txt file...

I think that the new version of the library makes the trouble. If You could copy the old computer version of the library, possibly renaming either the new or the old library, the cork would go out of the bottle.

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