Hello everyone, i am completely new to arduino, so bear with me. I am current using a nema 17 stepper motor(1.8" DEG ,2 Phase, Model:42HDC4234-20B) with a TB6600 motor driver and an arduino uno. I am getting some difficulties finding the correct power supply. I learnt that nema 17 works on 12 V and I have bought a 12V 5A DC power supply. However, i am not sure whether the 5A is too high current for the circuit or its okay to use 5A. I have a spare battery of 12 V 1.3 A which im currently using but the motor overheats a lot after 5 mins itself. My question is can i use the 12 V 5A power supply or will it burn the circuit, and why the motor overheats after 5 mins itself?
Google can't find a "42HDC4234-20B".
Post a link to the datasheet or where you have bought this motor.
You don't power the motor, you power the driver.
A TB6600 can be powered with 9-42volt, so 12volt is ok but on the low side. 24volt would give the driver more headroom for torque at high speed (which need a higher voltage).
The driver supplies the motor with the correct (set) current.
The driver takes from the supply what it needs. It would be ok to use a 50Amp supply. The driver might only draw 2Amp.
That's what stepper motors do. They consume maximum power while standing still.
I assume you have set the driver to the current rating of the motor. If you don't need max performance, then set the driver one or two steps lower.
Your motor is probably heating, because you didn;t set current correctly on TB6600. Have a look your motor datasheet and adjust current on driver accordingly. For nema 17 it's probably near 2A. Also remember that stepper is drawing current even when not moving, Depending on your use case, you can "power off" motor when not needed controlling it with drivers enable pin. 12V5A PSU is good to start with, if you need more torque replace it with 24 or 36V >3A
Ps. It's normal to stepper to heat up quite a lot, measure temp if you have doubts
Thank you everyone
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