Stepper motor programming and scsketch

Can you help me to write code to stepper motor + lcd screen + switcher
I have arduino uno and in need the sketch of the connectors

Thank you

Yes, for shure.

Try this:

Keep it simple and stupid firstly.
Run some tutorials for the hardware selected.
If you are happy with the results of the tutorials you can merge these to your project.

Have a nice day and enjoy coding in C++.

have you done a search for arduino stepper lcd?

Please read the how to get the most from the forum post. The post contains information on what we need to know in order to help you.

What Arduino board?
What stepper motor?
What stepper driver?
Which exact LCD display?
What is a switcher?

Provide technical documentation (data sheets) for relevant components.

Hi @n_regev1

welcome to the arduino-forum

You seem to think that a two sentence posting is sufficient to get a working code. Writing such a code needs more than just "can somebody post the 40-character-cheatcode for entering platinum-level

You started to work on an informatic project. (Writing code) and what is most needed in an informatic project is information

what kind of LCD-display?
1x8 up to 4x20 characters dot-matrix?
graphical LCD? with what resoultion?
what kind of interface I2C? or SPI?
what kind of stepper-motor?
bipolar? unipolar?
what kind of stepper-motordriver
four input-H-bridge? two inputs step/dir? Serial?

how much current does the steppermotor draw?

What do you mean with "the sketch of the connectors"?

As soon as you specify he components or start asking for specific things you will receive answers
You can even ask things like
how can I determine the stepper-motor current?
how can I tell what stepper-motor-driver this is? (at least posting a picture of it)
how can I determine how to connect this LCD? (at least posting a picture of it)
how can I enable posting pictures?
etc. etc. etc.

best regards Stefan

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