Stepper motor to shut/open door

Hello All,

I am new to Arduino, and have recently bought UNO R3 Mega328P, and 5V 4 phase stepper motor with driver board ULN2003.

Now my requirement is to open and shut the door in 1 second. Further, want to open and shut the door in time interval determined by user.

Can anyone help me with a sample code.


I assume, since you mention the ULN2003 that you have a 28BYJ stepper motor.

There are dozens for Forum Threads about them.

That said, a servo might be a more convenient device for opening and closing a door.


Now my requirement is to open and shut the door in 1 second. Further, want to open and shut the door in time interval determined by user.

The door? What door?

Anyway you need to output a given number of steps at a given rate, which stepper libraries have you
looked at? Have you gone through some of their examples?

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How big is the door?

Thanks.. Tom... :slight_smile: