stepper motor


I am just starting to learn arduino.

I'm playing around with some ideas for a project I am working on and am trying to figure out how to get a step motor to run once a button gets pressed.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advaance

You could start here, but you should also post what you did so far?

thanks @manor_royal i read those topics already and know i am trying to figure out how to make a 28BYJ-48 Stepper and push button working together and i didn't find a solution , have you ever done such experience?

You shouldn't expect to find a solution for any random combination of stuff you want to do- you need to design the solution to fit what you want to do.


Can you get your stepper to work at all? (eg, just in loop() get it to step one way and then the other, say?)

Can you read a button? Particularly, do you know how to check if a button has just become pressed (or released) as distinct from has been pressed (or released) for some time? (Unless you want it to move only while the button is pressed and then stop when you let go, in which case it's even easier.)

Get those two things sorted separately, then I think it will be easy to see how to code it so "aha, the button just became pressed so I must step the motor."

I have not used a 28BYJ stepper myself but there must be 100s of Threads on the Forum about them. Do a bit of Googling.
