I had a stepper driver give out on me the other day(Gecko 201X) and received another one in the mail and when I hooked it up the stepper just continuously moves very slowly. I can operate it with any code(either basic Accelstepper examples or code that I have) but when it's time to stop it will stop and then start creeping with extra steps.
I verified all connections and checked continuity for the step, direction and common pins from the Arduino to the drivers and all is good. I also used another stepper to verify it wasn't the motor and it had the same creep of extra steps.
Any thoughts on where I'm picking up the interference to cause the creep as it wasn't there before the drive quit on me.
Thanks for the replies everyone, it was late last night and I was frustrated that such a simple thing was being such a pain.
I had a wire work loose a bit and once tightened again it works fine now.
You would think for the high cost of this drive they could get a better terminal system for them, the terminals want to push the wire ends out when you tighten them and if you struggle with one it seems to force another wire loose, it's like playing wack a mole.
I finally just cut all the wire terminals off my wires and just used bare wire ends.