Stepper step function not working on class

I created a class to manage commands thru serial port and i am using a stepper motor but when i am trying to use step function is not working.
I declare an object in arduino file and i used pointer of stepper object to wotk inside class. testing it, setSpeed method works fine but when i try to use step method, i got segmentation fault on compiling action.

main file

#include "ClassTest.h"

ClassTest test;

Stepper myStepper1 = Stepper(200, 8, 9, 10, 11);

void setup() {


#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Stepper.h"

class ClassTest
	void SetupMotor(Stepper* step);
	void MoveMotor(String ,int );
	Stepper* _myStepper1;


void ClassTest::SetupMotor(Stepper* step)

void ClassTest::MoveMotor(String motor,int stepCount)
        // i am getting an issue on compiling time about segmentation fault

I tried many things but not sure why is not working yet, any help???

Did the stepper work with the library examples? That would check out the wiring and power.

Your loop() function is missing. Perhaps it doesn't call MoveMotor and that would keep the motor from moving.

thanks, i fixed it, it seems it was an overflow using Serial port and it was getting a segmentation fault in Serial.availableForWrite() and nothing related with stepper motor.
