Stepper with 2 blinking leds

I´m a noob with code prog.
Can somebody help me coding a green led blinking slowly with the stepper runing forward at slow speed and a blue led blinking quickly with the stepper running backward at high speed?
I know it is super simple....but not for me.
Thanks in advance.

@rog8811 thanks for the project

// constants won't change. They're used here to set pin numbers:
const int ForwardPin = 16;     // the number of the pin that when high sends slide forward
const int StopForwardPin = 18;     // the number of the pin that stops motor when forward
const int BackwardPin = 17;     // the number of the pin that when high sends slide backward
const int StopBackwardPin = 19;  // the number of the pin that stops the motor when backward
int smDirectionPin = 13; //Direction pin
int smStepPin = 27; //Stepper pin

// variables will change:
boolean ForwardState = 0;         // variable for reading the micro-switch status
boolean StopForwardState = 0;     // variable that stops motor when forward
boolean BackwardState = 0;   // variable for reading the microswitch status
boolean StopBackwardState = 0;  //variable that stops the motor when backward

int slidePosition = 2;  // Tells progam what position the slide is in

    setup inputs for switches and outs for motor pins
    serial begin to read the switches to test for errors
void setup() {
  // initialize the pin as an inputs:
  pinMode(smDirectionPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(smStepPin, OUTPUT);
  // initialize the switch pins as inputs:
  pinMode(ForwardPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(StopForwardPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(BackwardPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(StopBackwardPin, INPUT);

   this function turns motor foward
void SlideForward() {
  // turn motor foward:
  digitalWrite(smDirectionPin, HIGH); //Writes the direction to the EasyDriver DIR pin. (HIGH is clockwise).
  /*turns the motor 1 step*/
  for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
    digitalWrite(smStepPin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(smStepPin, LOW);

   this function turns motor backwards
void SlideBackward() {
  digitalWrite(smDirectionPin, LOW); //Writes the direction to the EasyDriver DIR pin. (LOW is counter clockwise).
  /*Turns the motor fast 1 step*/
  for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
    digitalWrite(smStepPin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(smStepPin, LOW);

   Stop the motor form moving
void stopSlideFromMoving() {
  digitalWrite(smStepPin, LOW);

void loop() {
  // read the state of the switches value:
  ForwardState = digitalRead(ForwardPin);
  StopForwardState = digitalRead(StopForwardPin);
  BackwardState = digitalRead(BackwardPin);
  StopBackwardState = digitalRead(StopBackwardPin);

  // check which pin 16 or 17 is HIGH:
  if (ForwardState == HIGH && StopForwardState == HIGH && BackwardState == LOW) {
  } else if (ForwardState == HIGH && StopForwardState == LOW && BackwardState == LOW) {

  if (BackwardState == HIGH && StopBackwardState == HIGH && ForwardState == LOW) {
  } else if (BackwardState == HIGH && StopBackwardState == LOW && ForwardState == LOW) {
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how many iterations do you expect from this ?

you should also check if you need {}

This code is working perfectly with the stepper.....only need to integrate the blinking leds :frowning:

Make a test code just for blinking LEDs. Example code is found in IDE examples. When it works and You understand the code, incorporate it with the other code.

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For extra examples look at

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I think the forward blinking led´s code needs to be under that line void SlideForward() ....but without affecting the stepPin cadence.... :face_with_spiral_eyes:

give it a try


make that difficult.

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I don´t think this code can be added to the void line of the stepper....

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(LED, LOW);

Try this one.

// constants won't change. They're used here to set pin numbers:
const int ForwardPin = 16; // the number of the pin that when high sends slide forward
const int StopForwardPin = 18; // the number of the pin that stops motor when forward
const int BackwardPin = 17; // the number of the pin that when high sends slide backward
const int StopBackwardPin = 19; // the number of the pin that stops the motor when backward
int smDirectionPin = 13; //Direction pin
int smStepPin = 27; //Stepper pin

// variables will change:
boolean ForwardState = 0; // variable for reading the micro-switch status
boolean StopForwardState = 0; // variable that stops motor when forward
boolean BackwardState = 0; // variable for reading the microswitch status
boolean StopBackwardState = 0; //variable that stops the motor when backward

int slidePosition = 2; // Tells progam what position the slide is in

const int greenLedPin = 11; // Green LED for slow blinking
const int blueLedPin = 12; // Blue LED for quick blinking

setup inputs for switches and outs for motor pins
serial begin to read the switches to test for errors
void setup() {
// initialize the pins as an outputs:
pinMode(smDirectionPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(smStepPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenLedPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(blueLedPin, OUTPUT);
// initialize the switch pins as inputs:
pinMode(ForwardPin, INPUT);
pinMode(StopForwardPin, INPUT);
pinMode(BackwardPin, INPUT);
pinMode(StopBackwardPin, INPUT);


this function turns motor foward
void SlideForward() {
// turn motor foward:
digitalWrite(smDirectionPin, HIGH); //Writes the direction to the EasyDriver DIR pin. (HIGH is clockwise).
//turns the motor 1 step
//for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) //Commented out because have no effect on the behavior of this function
digitalWrite(smStepPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(smStepPin, LOW);

this function turns motor backwards
void SlideBackward() {
digitalWrite(smDirectionPin, LOW); //Writes the direction to the EasyDriver DIR pin. (LOW is counter clockwise).
//Turns the motor fast 1 step
//for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) //Commented out because have no effect on the behavior of this function
digitalWrite(smStepPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(smStepPin, LOW);

Stop the motor form moving
void stopSlideFromMoving() {
digitalWrite(smStepPin, LOW);

This function blings slowly the green LED
void blinkSlowly() {
static int forwardBlinkCounter = 0; // Counter for the number of delayMicroseconds
forwardBlinkCounter++; // Increment the counter every time the function is called
if (forwardBlinkCounter >= 250) {
static bool ledState = LOW; // Toggle state variable
ledState = !ledState; // Toggle the LED state
digitalWrite(greenLedPin, ledState); // Apply the new state to green LED
forwardBlinkCounter = 0; // Reset the counter

This function blings quickly the blue LED
void blinkQuickly() {
static int backwardBlinkCounter = 0; // Counter for the number of delayMicroseconds
backwardBlinkCounter++; // Increment the counter every time the function is called
if (backwardBlinkCounter >= 700) {
static bool ledState = LOW; // Toggle state variable
ledState = !ledState; // Toggle the LED state
digitalWrite(blueLedPin, ledState); // Apply the new state to blue LED
backwardBlinkCounter = 0; // Reset the counter

void loop() {
// read the state of the switches value:
ForwardState = digitalRead(ForwardPin);
StopForwardState = digitalRead(StopForwardPin);
BackwardState = digitalRead(BackwardPin);
StopBackwardState = digitalRead(StopBackwardPin);

// check which pin 16 or 17 is HIGH:
if (ForwardState == HIGH && StopForwardState == HIGH && BackwardState == LOW) {
} else if (ForwardState == HIGH && StopForwardState == LOW && BackwardState == LOW) {

if (BackwardState == HIGH && StopBackwardState == HIGH && ForwardState == LOW) {
} else if (BackwardState == HIGH && StopBackwardState == LOW && ForwardState == LOW) {
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Hi, @bitslaver
Please edit your code with code tags.

Thanks.. Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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Thank works at the first time but when i stop the stepper by the 3 position switch the leds remains on.... :frowning:

When you stop the stepper, turn off the LEDs.


The leds should operate at same time of the stepper

start by writing a code that has no delay (see the examples using millis, use micros() instead if your timing is shorter)

you might benefit also from studying state machines. Here is a small introduction to the topic: Yet another Finite State Machine introduction


Of course, the advice in post #15 is excellent, and I strongly recommend following it. However, if you're not ready or prefer to continue playing with the current, somewhat restrictive beginner code, you might want to try a solution like this:

// constants won't change. They're used here to set pin numbers:
const int ForwardPin = 16;       // the number of the pin that when high sends slide forward
const int StopForwardPin = 18;   // the number of the pin that stops motor when forward
const int BackwardPin = 17;      // the number of the pin that when high sends slide backward
const int StopBackwardPin = 19;  // the number of the pin that stops the motor when backward
int smDirectionPin = 13;         //Direction pin
int smStepPin = 27;              //Stepper pin

// variables will change:
boolean ForwardState = 0;       // variable for reading the micro-switch status
boolean StopForwardState = 0;   // variable that stops motor when forward
boolean BackwardState = 0;      // variable for reading the microswitch status
boolean StopBackwardState = 0;  //variable that stops the motor when backward

int slidePosition = 2;  // Tells progam what position the slide is in

const int greenLedPin = 11;  // Green LED for slow blinking
const int blueLedPin = 12;   // Blue LED for quick blinking

boolean movesNotAllowed = false; // Indicates if moves are restricted (true) or allowed (false)

setup inputs for switches and outs for motor pins
serial begin to read the switches to test for errors
void setup() {
  // initialize the pins as an outputs:
  pinMode(smDirectionPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(smStepPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(greenLedPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(blueLedPin, OUTPUT);
  // initialize the switch pins as inputs:
  pinMode(ForwardPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(StopForwardPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(BackwardPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(StopBackwardPin, INPUT);


this function turns motor foward
void SlideForward() {
  // turn motor foward:
  digitalWrite(smDirectionPin, HIGH);  //Writes the direction to the EasyDriver DIR pin. (HIGH is clockwise).
  //turns the motor 1 step
  //for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) //Commented out because have no effect on the behavior of this function
  digitalWrite(smStepPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(smStepPin, LOW);

this function turns motor backwards
void SlideBackward() {
  digitalWrite(smDirectionPin, LOW);  //Writes the direction to the EasyDriver DIR pin. (LOW is counter clockwise).
  //Turns the motor fast 1 step
  //for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) //Commented out because have no effect on the behavior of this function
  digitalWrite(smStepPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(smStepPin, LOW);

Stop the motor form moving
void stopSlideFromMoving() {
 if (StopForwardState == HIGH || StopBackwardState == HIGH) {
movesNotAllowed = false;
 } else {
  movesNotAllowed = true;
  digitalWrite(greenLedPin, LOW); // Ensure the green LED is turned off if it is currently on
  digitalWrite(blueLedPin, LOW); // Ensure the blue LED is turned off if it is currently on

This function blings slowly the green LED
void blinkSlowly() {
  if (movesNotAllowed == false) {
    static int forwardBlinkCounter = 0;  // Counter for the number of delayMicroseconds
    forwardBlinkCounter++;               // Increment the counter every time the function is called
    if (forwardBlinkCounter >= 250) {
      static bool ledState = LOW;           // Toggle state variable
      ledState = !ledState;                 // Toggle the LED state
      digitalWrite(greenLedPin, ledState);  // Apply the new state to green LED
      forwardBlinkCounter = 0;              // Reset the counter

This function blings quickly the blue LED
void blinkQuickly() {
  if (movesNotAllowed == false) {
    static int backwardBlinkCounter = 0;  // Counter for the number of delayMicroseconds
    backwardBlinkCounter++;               // Increment the counter every time the function is called
    if (backwardBlinkCounter >= 700) {
      static bool ledState = LOW;          // Toggle state variable
      ledState = !ledState;                // Toggle the LED state
      digitalWrite(blueLedPin, ledState);  // Apply the new state to blue LED
      backwardBlinkCounter = 0;            // Reset the counter

void loop() {
  // read the state of the switches value:
  ForwardState = digitalRead(ForwardPin);
  StopForwardState = digitalRead(StopForwardPin);
  BackwardState = digitalRead(BackwardPin);
  StopBackwardState = digitalRead(StopBackwardPin);

  // check which pin 16 or 17 is HIGH:
  if (ForwardState == HIGH && StopForwardState == HIGH && BackwardState == LOW) {
  } else if (ForwardState == HIGH && StopForwardState == LOW && BackwardState == LOW) {

  if (BackwardState == HIGH && StopBackwardState == HIGH && ForwardState == LOW) {
  } else if (BackwardState == HIGH && StopBackwardState == LOW && ForwardState == LOW) {

Additional suggestion: Use bool instead of boolean, as recommended by the Arduino Reference page.

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Thank you so much @bitslaver fact it works but if i switch off the stepper rotation (cw or ccw) at the precise moment the respective led is on it remains always on ...even when i invert rotation direction.... :frowning:

if (movesNotAllowed == false) will this condition not turns the leds off when the stepper is not moving??

I've made some changes, but I'm not certain they will work as expected

// constants won't change. They're used here to set pin numbers:
const int ForwardPin = 16;       // the number of the pin that when high sends slide forward
const int StopForwardPin = 18;   // the number of the pin that stops motor when forward
const int BackwardPin = 17;      // the number of the pin that when high sends slide backward
const int StopBackwardPin = 19;  // the number of the pin that stops the motor when backward
int smDirectionPin = 13;         //Direction pin
int smStepPin = 27;              //Stepper pin

// variables will change:
boolean ForwardState = 0;       // variable for reading the micro-switch status
boolean StopForwardState = 0;   // variable that stops motor when forward
boolean BackwardState = 0;      // variable for reading the microswitch status
boolean StopBackwardState = 0;  //variable that stops the motor when backward

int slidePosition = 2;  // Tells progam what position the slide is in

const int greenLedPin = 11;  // Green LED for slow blinking
const int blueLedPin = 12;   // Blue LED for quick blinking

boolean blinkingOfLedsAllowed = true;  // Indicates if blinki of LEDs are restricted (false) or allowed (true)

setup inputs for switches and outs for motor pins
serial begin to read the switches to test for errors
void setup() {
  // initialize the pins as an outputs:
  pinMode(smDirectionPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(smStepPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(greenLedPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(blueLedPin, OUTPUT);
  // initialize the switch pins as inputs:
  pinMode(ForwardPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(StopForwardPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(BackwardPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(StopBackwardPin, INPUT);


this function turns motor foward
void SlideForward() {
  // turn motor foward:
  digitalWrite(smDirectionPin, HIGH);  //Writes the direction to the EasyDriver DIR pin. (HIGH is clockwise).
  //turns the motor 1 step
  //for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) //Commented out because have no effect on the behavior of this function
  digitalWrite(smStepPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(smStepPin, LOW);

this function turns motor backwards
void SlideBackward() {
  digitalWrite(smDirectionPin, LOW);  //Writes the direction to the EasyDriver DIR pin. (LOW is counter clockwise).
  //Turns the motor fast 1 step
  //for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) //Commented out because have no effect on the behavior of this function
  digitalWrite(smStepPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(smStepPin, LOW);

Stop the motor form moving
void stopSlideFromMoving() {
  if (StopForwardState == HIGH || StopBackwardState == HIGH) { // If the stop states are in a default state
    blinkingOfLedsAllowed = true; // The blinking of LEDs allowed
  } else {

This function blings slowly the green LED
void blinkSlowly() {
  if (blinkingOfLedsAllowed == true) {
    static int forwardBlinkCounter = 0;  // Counter for the number of delayMicroseconds
    forwardBlinkCounter++;               // Increment the counter every time the function is called
    if (forwardBlinkCounter >= 250) {
      static bool ledState = LOW;           // Toggle state variable
      ledState = !ledState;                 // Toggle the LED state
      digitalWrite(greenLedPin, ledState);  // Apply the new state to green LED
      forwardBlinkCounter = 0;              // Reset the counter

This function blings quickly the blue LED
void blinkQuickly() {
  if (blinkingOfLedsAllowed == true) {
    static int backwardBlinkCounter = 0;  // Counter for the number of delayMicroseconds
    backwardBlinkCounter++;               // Increment the counter every time the function is called
    if (backwardBlinkCounter >= 700) {
      static bool ledState = LOW;          // Toggle state variable
      ledState = !ledState;                // Toggle the LED state
      digitalWrite(blueLedPin, ledState);  // Apply the new state to blue LED
      backwardBlinkCounter = 0;            // Reset the counter

 * This function ensures LEDs are turned off wherever needed.
void ensureLEDsAreOff() {
  blinkingOfLedsAllowed = false;   // The blinking of LEDs is not allowed
  digitalWrite(greenLedPin, LOW);  // Ensure the green LED is turned off if it is currently on
  digitalWrite(blueLedPin, LOW);   // Ensure the blue LED is turned off if it is currently on

void loop() {
  // read the state of the switches value:
  ForwardState = digitalRead(ForwardPin);
  StopForwardState = digitalRead(StopForwardPin);
  BackwardState = digitalRead(BackwardPin);
  StopBackwardState = digitalRead(StopBackwardPin);

  // check which pin 16 or 17 is HIGH:
  if (ForwardState == HIGH && StopForwardState == HIGH && BackwardState == LOW) {  // If forward input case is active
  } else if (ForwardState == LOW && StopForwardState == HIGH && BackwardState == LOW) {  // If all three checking inputs are in default state
  } else if (ForwardState == HIGH && StopForwardState == LOW && BackwardState == LOW) {  // If stop forward case is active

  if (BackwardState == HIGH && StopBackwardState == HIGH && ForwardState == LOW) {  // If backward input case is active
  } else if (BackwardState == LOW && StopBackwardState == HIGH && ForwardState == LOW) {  // If all three checking inputs are in default state
  } else if (BackwardState == HIGH && StopBackwardState == LOW && ForwardState == LOW) {  // If we have stop backward case // If stop backward case is active

Do you have the Driver? Must do watch The Engineering Mindset