Steppers Problems, yeah Stepper

hola a todos, actualmente tengo un pequeño problema con mis motores Steppers, ya que giran a su voluntad e incluso detienen su rotacion para invertir su giro en mitad de un desplazamiento lineal.

estoy empleando Arduino Uno Genuino R3 con Shield CNC y Drivers DRV8825, los motores son AXO40157a de 68v con bobinados de 2 Ohms cada uno, segun la informacion del fabricante. con lo que se supone resisten hasta 34 Amperes. pero el fabricante dice que maximo 2.2 amperes

haciendo la ley de Ohm,

la tengo que 24v / 2 Ohm = 12 A, porlo que ausencia de corriente no es el caso, la coneccion de los motores la he revisado y re construido unas 10 veces verificando e incorporando mejores cables para descartar atenuaciones, aunque mi CNC es de apenas 1 metro cuadrado.

shield CNC la alimento con una fuente 24v DC y 30A

para el control estoy empleando GRBL 0.9j y GRBL1.1 con Universal Gcode Sender V1.0.6 en Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS con escritorio Shell2

les agradezco sus ideas y soluciones

Hello everyone, I currently have a small problem with my Steppers motors, since they turn at will and even stop their rotation for to inverse it in the middle of a linear displacement.

I am using Arduino Uno Genuino R3 with Shield CNC and Drivers DRV8825, the motors are AXO40157a of 68v with windings of 2 Ohms each, according to the information of the manufacturer. with what is supposed to resist up to 34 Amperes. but the manufacturer says that maximum 2.2 amperes

making Ohm's law,

shield CNC is energized with a 24v DC and 30A supply

I have it 24v / 2 Ohm = 12 A, so no current is not the case, the connection of the steppers I have reviewed and rebuilt about 10 times verifying and incorporating better cables to rule out attenuations, although my CNC is just 1 square meter

for the control I'm using GRBL 0.9j and GRBL1.1 with Universal Gcode Sender V1.0.6 on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS with desktop Shell2

I thank you for your ideas and solutions

Please post a link to your motor, the number you posted is no good.
Post your current code and a wiring diagram.

There are also various non-English boards on this forum, you may want to check those out.

Hello everyone, I currently have a small problem with my Steppers motors, since they turn at will and even stop their rotation for to inverse it in the middle of a linear displacement.

I am using Arduino Uno Genuino R3 with Shield CNC and Drivers DRV8825, the motors are AXO40157a of 68v with windings of 2 Ohms each, according to the information of the manufacturer. with what is supposed to resist up to 34 Amperes. but the manufacturer says that maximum 2.2 amperes

Steppers are not voltage driven, they are current driven. Stepper driver are programmable constant
current power converters. The driver acts like a buck converter, but sensing the output current, not
output voltage. The driver typically takes much less current from the supply than it gives to the motor

The DRV8825 won't handle 2.2A without burning up I fear - you need a larger driver or select
a smaller current.