i am using stm32f407g discovy board and i want to integrate it with esp01 and run websocket server .
i am unable to find any library and examples.
please help.
i am using stm32f407g discovy board and i want to integrate it with esp01 and run websocket server .
i am unable to find any library and examples.
please help.
the STM32 has hardware serial ports which you could connect to an ESP01 to transfer data
have a look at stm32-wifi-options
may be simpler to get a STM Nucleo add-on board for your STM discovery board, e.g. I have a I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 LoraWAN expension board to provide Lora connectivity
you can then use STM libraries to access the board functions
my WiFiEspAT library has the basic Arduino WiFi commands. you can run an Arduino websocket server over it
I have successfully connected esp01 with stm32f407g uart2, but I am looking for a WebSocket library/example that can be used in stm32 with esp01 connected.
i unable to find the websocket file.
there is no websocket library for stm32 arduino with esp8266 as network adapter.
you could adopt the websockets library.
or write a sketch directly for the esp8266
I am using STM32cubeide, can anyone suggest a way to run WebSocket server using STM32board with esp8266 as a network adapter
STM32cubeide? does it use Arduino libraries?
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