Storage the text inside of the SD card to string

That is may problem, I can not read the content from the file to inside of String variable.
I would like to know if somebody can help me, because I need to send the information trough the net for the central computer
and I cant because I just receive 1111111111 instead the ASCII characters.

String var1="";
myFile ="test.txt");
if (myFile) {

// read from the file until there's nothing else in it:
while (myFile.available()) {
var1 += Serial.write(; //////// I try that but I just receive 111111111111
// close the file:
} else {
// if the file didn't open, print an error:
Serial.println("error opening test.txt");

   var1 += Serial.write(;   ////////  I try that but I just receive 111111111111 gets a character from the file. Serial.write() does something with that character and returns the number of bytes it dealt with. I can't imagine why you want to append that value to the end of a String. I also can't imagine why you are surprised that you get nothing but a string of ones.

Thank you PaulS for replay.
My real problem is, I need to storage on STRING variable, the text found inside of the file, that text is very small. The reason is because I need to send that information to the connected PC on my network with ethernet shield.
You are right when you say I am surprised about ones coming into the variable, the reason is because I am a beginner on Arduino system, I want to learn more about that and I need help. Please if you know how to do that I appreciate.
Thank you in advance.

if it can helps I found that code but my display showed me blocks instead characters
if I do this : lcd.print((String); the result is -1 for each character on SD file.
I still with no answers.

My real problem is, I need to storage on STRING variable

No yOu doN't. There are Strings and there are strings on the Arduino. There are no STRING variables.

Read the reference page on File::read(). Read the reference page on Serial.write(). The return value from Serial.write() is NOT the character written. It is the number of characters written.

char c =;

myResourceWaster += c;

Well, I found this code and works for me. Thanks for the help.

String Room="";
if (myFile)
char character;
while (myFile.available())
character =;
if(character == '/')
{ // Comment - ignore this line
while(character != '\n')
character =;
else if(isalnum(character)) // Add a character to the description